I do not think it works. Most environment diffuse colors are OFF and more on a gray side with IBL baked at 2048x1024.
Worse yet, if you try to bake 4096x2048 iClone would crash.But that is not all! After the crash you are in a terrible mess originally described in: https://forum.reallusion.com/431430/All-my-new-scenes-are-dark-no-texture-show-up-?PageIndex=1
The texture would not render correctly for any project you open after the crash.As I did more digging at some point after the fix was introduced in IC7.71, I figured, with IBL baking only 2 maps are involved - diffuse and specular (though as I said, diffuse is not rendered correctly for most props in the scene in an IBL baked image).
For some reason RL force it on the fly into the registry. So when crash occurs during IBL bake, those values are retained in registry and do NOT reset while iClone loaded fresh after the crash.
Any projects opened after the crash would look like this:
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
STILL does not look right to be with only diffuse and specular (but I leave it for RL to fix)
Temporary fix (to restore correct render) is to modify registry and disable restrictive diffuse/specular.
This is how 2 registry values look like after the crash during IBL bake:
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
And obviously after the fix all opened projects look normal:
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
I never had time to enter this into FT, but I will at some point... :)