4u2ges (8/23/2024)
1. It would be valuable if you add an option to export with Expression Sequence (third option on regular FBX export).
There are cases where backed up expression profile is not applicable (when exporting Humanoids for instance, making certain changes and returning back).
Upon returning, backed up profile would fail to apply and the only way is to re-import expressions from the same FBX file (exported from Blender) containing the sequence. There is no option in the API to export with an expression sequence.
However... it may not be needed. As an alternative I can fetch the bone rotations used in all the expressions. Adding that data to the export, it could be used to reconstruct a new expression sequence and ExpressionFrameMap.ini, to be compatible with the batch expression sequence import as
outlined here.
(Assuming the batch import will work with an FbxKey generated from a non-sequence based export)
4u2ges (8/23/2024)
2. Also not sure how to convert Standard character to Humanoid with pipeline (after making changes to Standard character in Blender).
This one also directly relates to 1.
Right now I use a built-in FBX export/Import routine. But although it was improved lately, it's still a hassle with materials.
I did have a function that did this, but it's gone missing. Probably because it was woefully inadequate and it really needs much more work.
But basically all it did was change the generation string, which you can do my hand:
Character Build Settings Panel: Expand Import Details > Generation -> change to "ActorBuild"
4u2ges (8/23/2024)
Update: There is one more thing :D
This was bugging me for a long time as well. I know RL still does not allow to apply DHS to Humanoid meshes.
I understand it relates to set of external maps which have to match the UV and all (although I wish to have more freedom in this matter).
But now we can Accurig Standard characters and convert them to Humanoids and DHS would be preserved inside CC (this kind of contradicts with RL standards).
So I can now attach CC heads along with other parts of converted with Accurig characters to practically anything while deleting unwanted parts of the body.
Then Accurig it over, save, send to iClone... etc. All inside CC while preserving DHS for remaining parts.
However, once I export with pipeline and import back to CC, DHS is lost and all is converted to "boring" PBR.
I wonder if you can do anything about it, or RL has a full control of policies here...
This evidently also relates to 1 and 2.
The API function to set the material's shader does not appear to be allowed to set Digital Human Skin / Head / Eyes / Teeth or Tongue.
Ideally it could be possible to closely replicate the DH Skin shaders with the SSS shader and reconstructing some of the textures. But... the API for the SSS shader is not feature complete either and it's not possible to set this up correctly, yet. But I'm told this is being fixed.