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Edit Motion Layer is creating a single frame for that motion and not blending with the next keyframe...

Posted By Vault309 2 Years Ago
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Edit Motion Layer is creating a single frame for that motion and not...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I'm not sure if this is something I did, or if the iClone8 program is bugging out, but ive been working on multiple scenes and havent run into this issue yet. Basically when I use Edit Motion Layer and add my keyframes for movement, it wont blend and create the animation, just the single keyframe I made. No blending between point A and point B, so it just snaps from point to point. Not sure if I hit something to switch it to that, or if its a bug in the program.  If anyone could help, I would truly be grateful!
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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You probably turned Auto-Extend off

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