I'm referencing Bellatrix post here:
Editing-CC-Avatar-VISEME-MOUTH-SHAPESI believe it's a bit late to see this happening in CC v2.0 but it is really a necessity for us to have those 'hidden' visemes exposed into Character Creator so we can edit those directly from within CC, and possibly override those with custom morphs, so we can adapt visemes to our custom characters.
The way I see it is to have each viseme being exposed as a slider, with children morphs. Those children morphs would be selected by the user a bit like when 'packing sliders' for submission. Then the resulting viseme would be the combination of the values of those children morphs.
This way we could use custom morphs as well, aside those predefined ones.
On a side note, having the possibility to create arbitrary custom Morph sliders driving a list of arbitrary selected Morphs children would be a must (especially for pupet control later in iClone).
"N.O.E." (Nations Of Earth) Sci-Fi TV Show, Showrunner.