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Motion Capture Plug-in - iClone7 - Windows10 - Kinect Xbox OneV2

Posted By Snarp Farkle 7 Years Ago
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Motion Capture Plug-in - iClone7 - Windows10 - Kinect Xbox OneV2

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O.K. - I've spent the day clearing a workspace, taking photos of the mocap 'setup procedure' for posting here, then downloading and installing the 'trial' version of the Mocap software.
Then I came to an impasse ....
Namely: When applying power to the 'Mocap sensor', I get no lights appearing on the front panel, nor do I get any 'fan' whirring up.
I'm assuming that these XBox One Sensors should automatically 'kick into life' when power is connected? (as opposed to needing USB connection as well?). Maybe Snarp (or anyone else) could tell me if my assumption is correct?
If it's meant to come to life with (only) power applied (via the adapter), then this unit looks like it's Dead On Arrival --- sigh

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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Hi Sonic,

I thought the same thing when I started my testing also, the only light I saw was the power light on the highly overpriced adapter, I was attempting to start the process using the wrong plugin, the one with this icon which is for the 360 setup, and this confused the hell out of me for a while.  I also noticed that the adapter power light was orange color but it wasn't plugged into AC power just the USB port, which confused the hell out of me... again because I thought the power light being on meant that I had plugged it into the AC power but I didn't really. :ermm:

:angry:75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/48d72eca-5cb2-429e-b592-c23e.jpg 

Once I plugged it into the AC power I still didn't see the sensor come alive until I started the correct plugin, and activated the device console through the animation menu in iClone, then I was able to connect to the sensor using the "Local" setting. 

After I followed the calibration sequence properly everything worked fine! 

So the sequence I used was:
[1] Plug the adapter into the laptop's USB 3.0 slot
[2] Plug the adapter into the AC outlet.
[3] Start the Mocap Device Plug-in for Xbox One.
[4] Start the device console through the animation menu in iClone and selected the "Local" setting.
[5] Followed the calibration sequence.
And everything just worked!  Hope this helps, if not I'll check back to see if you have any questions that I can attempt to answer! :satisfied:

Dell XPS 8900, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3408 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 16 GB RAM, - 4 GB GeForce GTX 745, NVIDIA compatible.
Acer Aspire V Nitro Laptop,  2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ processor with 6MB cache,  256GB solid state drive, 16GB Ram,  4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics.

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Hi Snarpe, - thanks for your help ...

Your Comment:   "....  the only light I saw was the power light on the highly overpriced adapter ...."
Same here, - the only light I saw was on the adapter box - but no light on the sensor itself.

Your Comment:   ".... I was attempting to start the process using the wrong plugin ...."
I only installed the one named 'Mocap_Plug_in_Kinect_XboxOne_trial'. So no problem there (as per your 'green' ticked icon). :)

Just to clarify - when I spoke of my mocap 'not kicking into life' I meant 'no lights or fan' on tbe sensor - (as in 'dead' - even though power was plugged in). It was at this point, with still no life on the mocap sensor, that I tried the following:

With the correct software already installed, I totally turned off the mains power to the Mocap, and while remaining off, I plugged the Mocap system's cable into the USB 3 slot.
Then I re-connected the mains to the mocap system and 'voila' - the PC now acknowledged the attached Mocap hardware (which it wouldn't before). After half a minute or so - it stated that the detection process was complete. :)

Then, (as you said), it was a matter of 'starting up' the newly installed Plug-in - namely: 'Kinect Mocap Plug-in - Xbox One v1.0 Trial'. A splash screen then appeared for 'continuing the 15 day trial', so I clicked 'continue' and the splash screen disappeared.
Then I clicked on the top left button marked 'connect' and 'voila', several lights on the mocap sensor box 'lit up' - she was powered up!
A moving image also appeared in the plug-in's preview window (mostly gray) - but with a colored silhouette of me - and a simplistic 'skeleton overlay'. :)  
A second button was now also active; 'Calibrate' - so I clicked on this. Then, by standing in a kind of 'H' pose, the mocap performed about a 3 second calibration of my body shape. No more needed to be done here inside this plug-in program - however - it needed to remain on/active....

At this point I opened up the iClone program.
Then I selected an 'Avatar' to animate. Once the avatar was loaded into the viewing screen, and highlighted/selected, I went to the top of iClone, clicked on the 'Animation' tab and from the drop down menu chose 'Device Mocap'

In the newly presented 'Device Console' pane in iClone, there's 2 options for operation: ●Local and ●Network. I used 'local' (the default setting). Then I clicked on the 'Connect' button resulting in both the 'Preview' and the 'Record' buttons becoming active/available.
I clicked on the 'Preview' button and the Avatar came to life and started following my movements. - Well - at least it 'tried' to .....

With 'preliminary' testing (more yet to do), it became apparent that:
●1.  The newly purchased Mocap wasn't faulty like I'd first suspected. The sensor was functioning. :)
●2.  The PC Laptop was interfacing happily with the mocap system (no issues with the Acer Aspire E15 USB 3 porting). :)
●3.  Despite the above favorable results, the E15 struggles to process the mocap data - (extremely low 'effective frames' per second). :(
I say 'effective' fps because: - even though iClone's 'info stats' reported anywhere between 27 and 32 fps, the actual 'look' was equivalent to about 4 to 8 fps. Yes, - it was that 'stuttery' - and this was using the light weight 'BigBoss_Templar' avatar (6,737 polygons).

These are only preliminary results and I'm not expecting quantum leaps of improvement.
But fiddling with certain settings might improve things a bit.
* Now to be fair - my Acer laptop, (although having a dual-core processor) - does not have the 'minimum system requirement' of 2 logical cores per physical core' - as outlined by Reallusion. If I'm understanding that correctly - it means I've got a PC that's firing on '2' cylinders instead of one firing on the required '4' cylinders - so to speak. (sounds a bit like my brain! :w00t: ) - no wonder the poor laptop struggles!

Snarpe - this is a great thread (a 'go-to') for setting up the iClone system's 'Mocap'. I'll post the pics I took earlier - showing the hardware / connections.

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

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Snarpe - I googled info about your 'Lenovo G505' Laptop - but there were different 'versions' made - if you wanted to post the 'specifications' of your laptop - we'd have a reference.  And did you get a reasonable frame rate during your recording?

Anyone who has obtained 'optimal' performance with the V2 on a laptop - it'd be nice to hear from you regarding your laptop model / specs and experiences.

Some pics I took for anyone interested - showing equipment used & the setup .....
(The Kinect V2 was discontinued in October, 2017, so is now mostly sourced 2nd hand)

75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/47e3c543-8907-4534-b35e-b293.png

75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/fec81656-25bc-4058-94b3-8311.png

75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/39315770-65ca-4c0d-ace7-58f8.png

75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/38e59723-01ec-4da5-bc66-c8a5.png

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

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you can make your own kinect adapter from for under $10 if you know how to find the parts and have a little wiring skill.

Here's how I made mine


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Further 'findings'
(for those wanting to dig deeper) .........
I was surprised to notice that the Kinect V2, (running on iClone 7.21), didn't seem to discriminate between a 'low poly' avatar like 'BigBoss Templar' (6,737 polys) and a 'heavier' one such as 'Chuck' (25,578 polys). The performances (or 'lack there-of' in my case), were virtually identical. I even tried displaying the avatar as wire-frame - but I saw no performance gain.
However, what did surprise me, was that when carrying out the same test in iClone 6.5, the 'smoothness' during preview or capture was much improved.
So I can only conclude that either IC7 uses/needs more system resources (to the detriment of mocap data processing) OR at the very least, is allocating resources in a way that impedes the smooth flow of data from 'getting to where it needs to go', if you get my drift ......
I've also noticed that the system 'requirements' for the 'iclone' plug-in - exceed those of other (similarly purposed) softwares.
I'm extremely interested in this because it's no 'small' matter to sell and then repurchase a more powerful PC - whether it's a desktop or even a laptop.
.... more findings to come .....

◇◇◇ It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up. ◇◇◇  - Vince Lombardi

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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sonic7 (4/21/2018)

..... I was surprised to notice that the Kinect V2, (running on iClone 7.21), didn't seem to discriminate between a 'low poly' avatar like 'BigBoss Templar' (6,737 polys) and a 'heavier' one such as 'Chuck' (25,578 polys). The performances (or 'lack there-of' in my case), were virtually identical. I even tried displaying the avatar as wire-frame - but I saw no performance gain.

I just used my CC Snarp character for my test, he's at 46,810 polys.  I figured that if he failed the test I'd try a low poly character next, this is good info Sonic.

However, what did surprise me, was that when carrying out the same test in iClone 6.5, the 'smoothness' during preview or capture was much improved...

This is good to know too Sonic, I installed iC7 on the laptop for this test but might try iC6 to see if I get any improvements in frames' per second, I wasn't paying attention to the frames' per second during this test but will take notice of it before I switch over to iC6 for the next test, it was usable data but a little choppy and slow to respond in iC7 during the mocap test.

:exclamationmark: My laptop specs are: Lenovo G505 - 15.6" - AMD A6-5200 4 Cores 2 GHz - 16 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - AMD Radeon HD 8400 Graphics - Dolby Advanced Audio - 1366 x 768 (HD) Display

Dell XPS 8900, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3408 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 16 GB RAM, - 4 GB GeForce GTX 745, NVIDIA compatible.
Acer Aspire V Nitro Laptop,  2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ processor with 6MB cache,  256GB solid state drive, 16GB Ram,  4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics.

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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Here's a quick video I put together to show the raw mocap data from my first test and a quick scene to show how I'd use one in iClone7.

Obviously I need more practice LOL! :P

Dell XPS 8900, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3408 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 16 GB RAM, - 4 GB GeForce GTX 745, NVIDIA compatible.
Acer Aspire V Nitro Laptop,  2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ processor with 6MB cache,  256GB solid state drive, 16GB Ram,  4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics.

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Snarpe ....... I'm going to catch up on your video tomorrow (unfortunately) ..... we had an electrical storm Saturday night has put us out of action with our main internet ...

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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:( That's a real bummer Steve, we've had our share storms with high winds and rain where I live, the last one had 40-50mph winds that tried to take off my steal roof!  Now it leaks when it rains, oh well, something else to keep me busy this summer! :crazy:

I'll be doing another test in a day or two, I've got some idea what I want to do but still need to test the limitations of the iClone mocap system some more to get a better feel of the flow, I may use the "Upper Body" capture feature more though since I can add lower body motion in iClone.  There are some idle and step motions I want to capture and will use the full body capture for those providing I get the sliding feet problem sorted out, from what I've read the "Foot Contact" checkbox in iClone needs to be UN-checked for better results so we'll see.

Eventually I will be giving Blender Mocap a try also, I'm interested in using the Kinect with f-clone in Blender for a low cost facial animation system that can be used with iClone and there may be a few more useful mocap features to do in Blender as well. 

I hope your situation improves soon Steve!

Dell XPS 8900, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3408 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 16 GB RAM, - 4 GB GeForce GTX 745, NVIDIA compatible.
Acer Aspire V Nitro Laptop,  2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ processor with 6MB cache,  256GB solid state drive, 16GB Ram,  4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics.


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