Hi Snarpe, - thanks for your help ...
Your Comment: ".... the only light I saw was the power light on the highly overpriced adapter ...."
Same here, - the only light I saw was on the adapter box - but no light on the sensor itself.
Your Comment: ".... I was attempting to start the process using the wrong plugin ...."
I only installed the one named 'Mocap_Plug_in_Kinect_XboxOne_trial'. So no problem there (as per your 'green' ticked icon). :)
Just to clarify - when I spoke of my mocap 'not kicking into life' I meant 'no lights or fan' on tbe sensor - (as in 'dead' - even though power was plugged in). It was at this point, with still no life on the mocap sensor, that I tried the following:
With the correct software already installed, I totally turned off the mains power to the Mocap, and while remaining off, I plugged the Mocap system's cable into the USB 3 slot.
Then I re-connected the mains to the mocap system and 'voila' - the PC now acknowledged the attached Mocap hardware (which it wouldn't before). After half a minute or so - it stated that the detection process was complete. :)
Then, (as you said), it was a matter of 'starting up' the newly installed Plug-in - namely: 'Kinect Mocap Plug-in - Xbox One v1.0 Trial'. A splash screen then appeared for 'continuing the 15 day trial', so I clicked 'continue' and the splash screen disappeared.
Then I clicked on the top left button marked 'connect' and 'voila', several lights on the mocap sensor box 'lit up' - she was powered up!
A moving image also appeared in the plug-in's preview window (mostly gray) - but with a colored silhouette of me - and a simplistic 'skeleton overlay'. :) A second button was now also active; 'Calibrate' - so I clicked on this. Then, by standing in a kind of 'H' pose, the mocap performed about a 3 second calibration of my body shape. No more needed to be done here inside this plug-in program - however - it needed to remain on/active....
At this point I opened up the iClone program.
Then I selected an 'Avatar' to animate. Once the avatar was loaded into the viewing screen, and highlighted/selected, I went to the top of iClone, clicked on the 'Animation' tab and from the drop down menu chose 'Device Mocap'
In the newly presented 'Device Console' pane in iClone, there's 2 options for operation: ●Local and ●Network. I used 'local' (the default setting). Then I clicked on the 'Connect' button resulting in both the 'Preview' and the 'Record' buttons becoming active/available.
I clicked on the 'Preview' button and the Avatar came to life and started following my movements. - Well - at least it 'tried' to .....
With 'preliminary' testing (more yet to do), it became apparent that:
●1. The newly purchased Mocap wasn't faulty like I'd first suspected. The sensor was functioning. :)
●2. The PC Laptop was interfacing happily with the mocap system (no issues with the Acer Aspire E15 USB 3 porting). :)
●3. Despite the above favorable results, the E15 struggles to process the mocap data - (extremely low 'effective frames' per second). :(
I say 'effective' fps because: - even though iClone's 'info stats' reported anywhere between 27 and 32 fps, the actual 'look' was equivalent to about 4 to 8 fps. Yes, - it was that 'stuttery' - and this was using the light weight 'BigBoss_Templar' avatar (6,737 polygons).
These are only preliminary results and I'm not expecting quantum leaps of improvement.
But fiddling with certain settings might improve things a bit.
* Now to be fair - my Acer laptop, (although having a dual-core processor) - does not have the 'minimum system requirement' of 2 logical cores per physical core' - as outlined by Reallusion. If I'm understanding that correctly - it means I've got a PC that's firing on '2' cylinders instead of one firing on the required '4' cylinders - so to speak. (sounds a bit like my brain! :w00t: ) - no wonder the poor laptop struggles!
Snarpe - this is a great thread (a 'go-to') for setting up the iClone system's 'Mocap'. I'll post the pics I took earlier - showing the hardware / connections.
Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :( - yikes! ...
● MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram ● iClone-7.93 ● 3DXChange Pipeline 7.81 ● CC-3 Pipeline 3.44 ● Live Face ● HeadShot ● Brekel Pro-Body ● Popcorn FX ● iRAY ● Kinect V2 ● DaVinci Resolve17 ● Mixcraft 8.1