Has anyone been able to bring in Rokoko Motion Library FBX files and have them work?
Everytime I bring them in a get a ton of errors, and nearly every options just breaks! When I did finally get it to work (by importing the FBX using one of the Mixamo profiles), then I cannot use this on ANY other character other than the motion dummy, because it just skins very strangely and everything just looks broken! mainly to do with the spine, and neck, things just look totally distorted!
If I try to import this into Unreal and retarget to another rig it breaks all over again!! But everything is fine with other animations, is Iclone just not very good at retargeting some animations?

I have opened a support ticket, I can only assume that Reallusion will say its the asset I imported that's the problem, and Rokoko will say its Iclone that's the problem.
Any helps would be great thanks!