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| (5/3/2023)
Hello everyone, I have just started using CC4 and Blender, and I have encountered a scripting issue. I have installed the CC/iC Blender Tools plugin in Blender and the CC4 Blender Pipeline Tool 1.1.3 in CC4. The Blender version I am using is 3.5.1. When importing into Blender, I wanted to use "bones from cards" to create a hair rig skeleton. However, I received some error messages and I'm not sure what I missed or what went wrong. Can anyone please help me identify the issue? Thank you. You didn't import the character into Blender using the add-on's import function. (The import character button in the first CC/iC Pipeline panel).
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lightbearer (5/8/2023) I am having an issue when importing back into CC4. The rotation for the character's arms is off. I attempted to reset the character's pose in the Remove tab, but when I apply a motion, the arms go back to being wonky. Transferring to iClone 8 yields the same result.
How are the bones arranged in Blender (the edit bones) are they in the correct place relative to the character mesh? And are the bones in the same place in CC4? It looks almost like the bones are in a T-pose bind pose, but the mesh is in an A-pose. which would cause the arms to rotate further inward as shown.
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Just to clarify Victor's reply about using the add on to import the character: you cannot use the Bender FBX import function, you need to use the import button in the CC/iC Pipeline tool itself: 76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge This is becauase the add on does ALOT more than just import the FBX file. It also traanslates and corrects settings in bones, textures and more. Similarly, if you need to delete a character (as I often do when I make a change in iClone and re-export the character), be sure to press the Remove Character (or whatever it's called, I'm working from memory here). It also helps to keep your blender model clear of orphan data which can bloat your blender models. (ie the texture mainly).
- Jeff The Adventures of Capt Sanchez Cybernautic Studios
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I think I figured it out. I was using File Export FBX with the Blende preset, and I think I forgot to tick the Bind T-Pose option. I exported it with the plugin and ticked that option and things seem to work now.
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Well, I thought I had it. New video below (different character). tl;dr - Exported using plugin and selected Bind T-Pose and keep expressions. Imported into Blender using the plugin (as I did previously). Made changes to shape keys, then checked that the Pose and Rest Poses were the same - they are. Exported from Blender using plugin and imported into CC4. The arms move into the A-Pose. Added a motion to test and the angle of the arms is off. I corrected it using Pose Offset. Things seem fine, but what am I missing in the workflow steps to have the character come in with a T-Pose?
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Version Github: Github Project Page - Releases Online Documentation: Documentation CC3 Plugin: CC3 Plugin Releases CC4 Plugin: CC4 Plugin Releases
- Fixed bake rigify retarget not assigning action to rig after baking
- Removes facial expression bone drivers on Rigifying (caused cyclic dependencies)
- Re-importing/rebuilding materials on a character will reload any texture images that are being re-used from existing or previous imports, just in case they have been changed on disk.
- Except when the image has been modified by the user and has not yet been saved.
- Rigifying character keeps meta-rig and allows for Re-Rigifying the control rig from the meta-rig.
- Useful for re-aligning bones, re-positioning face rig, etc...
- First draft of (optional) Dual Specular skin shader (Eevee & Cycles) with specular micro details.
- Added build options to generate drivers for Jaw, Eyes and Head bones from facial expression shape keys.
- Added build option to generate drivers for all expression shape keys driven from the body mesh shape keys.
- Which means only the expressions on the body mesh need to be updated/animated.
- Fix to turn off vertex colours in hair materials when hair mesh has blank vertex colour data (i.e. all zero).
- Facial Expression shape key value range expanded to -1.5 - 1.5 (except for eye look shape keys)
- Characters exported with Mouth Open as Morph, now correctly detects the body mesh.
- Fix to support sphere colliders in collisions shapes.
- Some additional lighting arrangements: Authority and Blur Warm.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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@Victor.Soupday, CC3 Blender Addon (v1.6.0.3) do not export character motion with mesh and throwing trying a lot and forcing to export with mesh but this time its exporting only motion. its impossible to export mesh with motion.
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What is the recommended way to append a set-up character to a new blender project? Specifically the hair rig stops working (says "No rig").
Great tool! Thanks Cas
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On a similar note, I was wondering how to reselect a previously imported character so that you can use the addon's shader tools. I have a character that was originally imported with the addon, but now when I click on any part of it (meshes, armature, rigify rig), the addon says "no character selected." I think I may have brought it into the current file from another one, but I'm not sure. I ended up importing a new version and linking the materials so I could use the shader tools on the new import to affect the materials on the previous import because it was faster than redoing the animation, mesh editing, etc. What would be the best way to get the addon to re-recognize a CC4 character so that you can use all the shader sliders and rebuild materials options?
Love the addon, and thank you for all the support!
Posted 2 Years Ago
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If you set up a character and save it to a (character source) blend file, you can Link the character objects into a new (project) blend file. Any changes you make and save to the materials in the character source blend file will be updated in the project blend file, though you would need to reload it.
Edit: I should add, to pose and/or change the animations on a linked armature you need to set it as a Library Override from the Object > Relations > Make Library Override menu.
You can't make changes to linked objects/meshes/materials in the project blend file as linked items are always locked. And without the character meta data from the source blend file the add-on won't recognise it as a valid character anyway.
Likewise, Appending the objects will make a copy of them, but since all the character meta data the add-on uses is stored in custom property groups it can't be copied or linked so the add-on won't see it as a valid character.
It might be possible to fetch the meta data using the blend data libraries API, but I would need to look into that. Some Link Character / Append Character buttons could be useful. (Certainly a Link Character button is possible)