I've been struggling with the issue of characters importing into Unity with a faceted (unsmoothed) appearance since early September.
Using Unity 2019.3.13 and the latest Auto Setup v 1.1. Models exported from CC v3.32
This only affects CC3 and CC3+ characters that have been converted to Game Ready meshes. The issue is slightly visible in Character Creator itself (if you really zoom in close) but it becomes hugely problematic after import into Unity.
I've tried tweaking smoothing angle in Unity import settings but this makes no difference. I'm fairly new to CC, so don't have very much experience from previous versions, but I never came across this problem before the big update to CC3.3 (when meshes were updted to CC3Base+ so my gut instinct is that the issue lies with this update.
Opened in Blender, the exported FBX appears smooth, not faceted.
Now, here's the update and the reason for this post... I'd always thought that the Unity rendering pipelines only affected lighting and materials, it appears that the rendering of skinned meshes is also being affected. The problem I have with these faceted (unsmoothed) character bodies is only apparent in URP and the Legacy RP. In HDRP the model appears as it should (all be it with slightly wet looking skin, but that's fixable). I've tested both 7.4.3 and the verified 7.3.1 HDRP.
URP, badly affected:
76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge
Legacy SRP, slightly affected:
76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge
HDRP, all good:
76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge
Problem is, I work in VR (for mobile platforms like the Quest) and HDRP is just a no-go for me...
Oddly, I've found that any character created using Headshot is not at all affected. Even after converting to Game Ready, they appear smooth on import into Unity, whatever the rendering pipeline.
This is URP:
76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge
So... I'm posting here partly to share my findings, in case someone else is having similar issues and just thinks they're going mad.
Also I've had not the greatest support from 'Support' so I'm hoping the community might have some ideas, or have perhaps already solved the problem.
They've had some useful suggestions (like opening the FBX in Blender and trying HDRP) but a lot of the time I feel like I've been given the run around and not actually been offered any solutions. For the price of the software I really expected Pro support. I can't believe that I've had to do all of this debugging myself, rather than having an engineer from Reallusion assigned to the issue. It makes the characters unusable for me and has stopped me from being able to work on character design for a month. On top of that, the post I was asked to add to the "Feedback" Tracker has had zero response from an employee. I'm nore than a little bit annoyed.
Anyway, rant over. Hopefully some of this is useful to someone.
Unity Virtual Reality Developer