*Update 2Fixed it :)
Solution: When exporting from Blender
1. Uncheck the box "Objects as OBJ Objects"
2. Check the box "Objects as OBJ Groups"
76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
*UpdateI noticed when importing an .obj in CC3 it always sets "default" as Mesh name.
As you can see on the screenshots the object name and mesh name in Blender are set.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
Previous message
Hi all,
Is it possible in CC3 to change the mesh name? See screenshot.
76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
I know I can change the Material name, but I want to edit the Mesh name so I can use the UE4 script properly.