Posted 6 Years Ago
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*Update 2Fixed it :) Solution: When exporting from Blender 1. Uncheck the box "Objects as OBJ Objects" 2. Check the box "Objects as OBJ Groups" 76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
*UpdateI noticed when importing an .obj in CC3 it always sets "default" as Mesh name. As you can see on the screenshots the object name and mesh name in Blender are set. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? 76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge 76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge Previous message
-------------------------- Hi all, Is it possible in CC3 to change the mesh name? See screenshot. . 76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge I know I can change the Material name, but I want to edit the Mesh name so I can use the UE4 script properly.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Yeah, I would like to know how to change mesh names as well. I can change the object name, but the mesh name stays the same! Thanks, OB
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Will anyone from RL answer this post? Because this is a problem particularly for GoZ users as everytime you export to zBrush the mesh names are always CC_Base_Body(XX) where is XX is number times you exported an mesh using GoZ. This is annoying and time consuming when you have to rename the mesh parts in zBrush.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Tips is to add this in the feedback tracker too as a suggestion.
iClone 7, 3DXchange 7 Pipeline, CC3 Pipeline, CT8 Pipeline, Iray, Live Face, iPhone Xr, Win 10, i9 9900K ~5GHz, Nvidia RTX 2080 8GB, 16GB Ram, M.2 SSD
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Bring it into 3DXChange, select / highlight the mesh name, and press F2 to change it.
 J. Rosa Marketplace Link: Looking Glass Graphics
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Open Zbrush first and go to Preferences > GoZ and click Clear Cache Files. The next time you GoZ from CC3 the subtools will not have (1), (2), etc after the names. Clicking GoZ All will now map the correct meshes back in CC3. So always clear the cache before starting a new project.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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This is still a problem and causes issues when trying to access morph components in iClone via Python. If the mesh name does not match the object name, no morphs will be returned when you search using that mesh name. Morph Creator and Morph Animator will still show the morph sliders, but they will not be returned to a Python script. ------------- GetMorphNames ( self, strMeshName )Get all the morph target names for a given mesh on this morph component. ------------------- Not sure if this is an RL issue or if the content developers need to make sure names are the same? My script won't work on half of the content out there right now...
Reallusion Certified Director / Reallusion Best Visual Award / Reallusion Certified Content Developer See all the G-Tools Plug-Ins available for iClone here: G-Tools Plug-Ins
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F2 doesn't work in reallusion to change the mesh name. Neither does double, triple, quadruple clicking or breaking my mouse across the desk. Is this still an issue? I just went through a nightmare of a time weight paint editing on a shirt that I imported because the weight transfer was just not doing what I needed it to today. Now I need to change the mesh name and don't want to go through all that again. Someone Let me know something. I really don't want the mesh name to be Short_Sleeve_Fixing_Pits
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F2 works most of the time, but only in 3DXchange. It it does not work, double-click the mesh in viewport (not in Scene Tree) and then immediately hit F2. CC3/4 does not allow to change mesh name for cloth. You have to do it in the 3rd party app where you did weight paint. Alternatively, save the cloth asset, convert to accessory in bind pose (select bake current shape), change mesh name. Then Transfer Skin Weight, but select "File" and navigate to newly saved cloth asset. That would replicate weights from saved cloth. Obviously the source and target have to be identical objects.