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G2 Power Tools Volume 2 Mega Presenter - can't change start position of character after an animation...

Posted By ncio 9 Years Ago
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G2 Power Tools Volume 2 Mega Presenter - can't change start position...

Posted 9 Years Ago
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the problem is the following: When I use an animation from G2 Power Tools MEGA PRESENTER then every other animation that should come afterwards is starting at the same position as the animation from MEGA PRESENTER.

Example: I choose a MEGA PRESENTER animation which moves my character on the screen. Then I choose another normal animation like "explain" which comes with CRAZY TALK ANIMATOR 2. At the beginning of the second animation my character jumps back to the starting position of the first animation.

When I choose two animations which are preinstalled in CRAZY TALK ANIMATOR 2 the second animation starts at the end position of the first animation. So the problem only appears when using an animation from MEGA PRESENTER. How can I stop my character from jumping back to the start position of the MEGA PRESENTER animation?
Who can help me?

Thanks, Nicole
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Can you specify if you are using 3D or 2D motions and exactly which animations you are using and in what order.
Using 3D motions I tired the interaction  "Praise" preceded and followed by a move "Walk_Female_Office" animation and did not have any problems.


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Posted 8 Years Ago
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Hi Jeff,
thank you for your reply! I wanted to use the 3D motion "enter" from MEGA PRESENTER and then the 3D motion "talk - normal female". I've already tried to blend the motions. But then Emma does not jump back after the first motion but slowly moves back to this position while starting to talk like a normal female. The problem seems to appear only using the "enter" motion. Maybe I'll use "wave behind door" instead of "enter" to avoid this problem.

Bye, Nicole
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I just got crazytalk animator 2 with the bundle ,training dvd and mega presenter g2 power tools  , the question I would like to know is how do I get mega presenter g2 power tool on my Template or open it?

Posted 8 Years Ago
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The "Presentation Templates" directory should show up under the Project Tab in the Content Manager.
These are pre-done projects that you can modify for your own use.
The other various assets included in the pack are found in their respective palces:
the new Body Parts are found in Character Composer mode,
Scenes and prop in the Content Manager Scene Tab,
Motions undre the Motions Tab,
Animated prosp under the  Scene tab under props.


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