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G2 Power Tools Volume 2 Mega Presenter - can't change start position of character after an animation...

Posted By ncio 9 Years Ago
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G2 Power Tools Volume 2 Mega Presenter - can't change start position...

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 8 Years Ago
Posts: 2, Visits: 12
the problem is the following: When I use an animation from G2 Power Tools MEGA PRESENTER then every other animation that should come afterwards is starting at the same position as the animation from MEGA PRESENTER.

Example: I choose a MEGA PRESENTER animation which moves my character on the screen. Then I choose another normal animation like "explain" which comes with CRAZY TALK ANIMATOR 2. At the beginning of the second animation my character jumps back to the starting position of the first animation.

When I choose two animations which are preinstalled in CRAZY TALK ANIMATOR 2 the second animation starts at the end position of the first animation. So the problem only appears when using an animation from MEGA PRESENTER. How can I stop my character from jumping back to the start position of the MEGA PRESENTER animation?
Who can help me?

Thanks, Nicole

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