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Hey guys. Me again. Thanks for all the help. So I was able to get things going with the Toby/Bassline CC4/Meta human Live Link Method shown here.
But now I have this issue, and I'm not sure if its an issue using this method, or just a metahuman issue, but the mustache goes haywire LOL
Any help would be much appreciated.
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ilyas.nashid (1/23/2024) Hey guys. Me again. Thanks for all the help. So I was able to get things going with the Toby/Bassline CC4/Metahuman Live Link Method shown here.
But now I have this issue, and I'm not sure if its an issue using this method, or just a metahuman issue, but the mustache goes haywire LOL
Any help would be much appreciated. try to build a new skin bind for the mustache or delete and add the old one again , is simulation for the mustache on ( switch it off ). It has nothing to do with runtime retarget.
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@Baseline303 Great video thanks! Do you know if it is possible to modify or add an animation when recording facials with livelink face on the UE4 mannequin? I know it is possible with the meta humans but I have a few great UE4 actors and I haven't found out yet how to do this. I can play eitherthe livelink face recorded animation or the body animation but not both at the same time. Any ideas? Thanks again for your help!
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Jfrog (1/25/2024) @Baseline303
Great video thanks!
Do you know if it is possible to modify or add an animation when recording facials with livelink face on the UE4 mannequin? I know it is possible with the metahumans but I have a few great UE4 actors and I haven't found out yet how to do this. I can play eitherthe livelink face recorded animation or the body animation but not both at the same time. Any ideas?
Thanks again for your help!You have to separate body and face from a CC3/4 or UE4 mannequin skeleton character ... with the help of an easy BP. Body and Face :
Body layering :
And you can always bake the animation into a FKRig ( in sequencer / right click on the animation track) to tweak the animation further. When happy with the animation you can bake it all together back to an animation ...
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@Baseline303 Thank you so much for the quick reply and video. This will be really helpful!
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@Basseline303 When I record with livelink face my character is on a "A" pose". I can add the body animation I want but it does not override the A pose, It only adds the idle motion on top of the A pose. I have the curve blend option to "Override". Is there a way to use livelink face just to record the facial motions and not the body. Or a way to get rid of the body once recorded in livelink face? Thanks again for your help!
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Jfrog (1/26/2024) @Basseline303
When I record with livelink face my character is on a "A" pose". I can add the body animation I want but it does not override the A pose, It only adds the idle motion on top of the A pose. I have the curve blend option to "Override".
Is there a way to use livelink face just to record the facial motions and not the body. Or a way to get rid of the body once recorded in livelink face?
Thanks again for your help!The Video above ( face & Body ) does exactly that. Sounds like you did something wrong , did you add the name ( body part ) to the animation in sequencer, shown in the video? You can record facials only but it will always involve all the bones , so you have to separate it after recording with the BP. (also bone recording is needed for open jaw and eyes) So separating body bones and facial bones is needed. ( like the Meta Humans are build ) RL is working on something that separates Face and body when importing .... 😁
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The 2 videos you provide are very easy to follow and clear and I applied the name "body" (slot name)in the animation properties. The animation works but unfortunatelyis added on top of the A pose character so the arms are further away from the body but actually playing the body animation. when using the take recorder to record the face motions, it creates an animation that I cant convert back to a rig in order to delete the body parts. Also, perhaps I forgot to mention that I am not using a CC character but a UE4 character that has blend shapes. Perhaps it does not work with UE4 character. I will try with the livelinkface importer plugin to see if it helps. Thanks again for your valuable input!
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Jfrog (1/27/2024)
The 2 videos you provide are very easy to follow and clear and I applied the name "body" (slot name)in the animation properties. The animation works but unfortunatelyis added on top of the A pose character so the arms are further away from the body but actually playing the body animation. when using the take recorder to record the face motions, it creates an animation that I cant convert back to a rig in order to delete the body parts. Also, perhaps I forgot to mention that I am not using a CC character but a UE4 character that has blend shapes. Perhaps it does not work with UE4 character. I will try with the livelinkface importer plugin to see if it helps. Thanks again for your valuable input! Should work with UE4 Characters too. Does the character you are using have facial bones or only morph targets? Which bone did you select for separation ?