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AccuFACE is now available

Posted By Susan (RL) 2 Years Ago
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AccuFACE is now available

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Another test with footage of a helmet cam (no cleanup) :  

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Bassline303 (12/10/2023)
Another test with footage of a helmet cam (no cleanup) :  

Sophisticated test, but, if, possible, in the left window, I would like to see the body move with the helmeted face, just like it would be in reality.

My latest movie THE GOLDEN MAN, and a few othershttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIl1EqVCKitZzLqaNnLK0BA
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Was finally able to test AccuFace. I envy those getting good results. I took in the Motion Live/AccuFace webinar. Really appreciated the presenter teaching. Too often in video tuts, the narrator flies around with the mouse cursor so fast viewers miss what was selected, and what it does. This presenter had teacher genes in his DNA. Well paced, and fairly methodical, such a pleasant reprieve from the usual, where some folks seem more intent on showing how smart or skilled they are rather than actually teaching. In my results, as yet, I don't get the smooth mimicking I see users here getting. I'm assuming I need further practice. However, I noticed something that I also saw in the webinar . The right eye of the avatar, winks, if you can call it that. The same happens to me, despite various manipulations I've tried to prevent it. Anyone else experiences this and has a solution for it?

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor

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I did some more testing, and for me the most useful application would be going from video to facial animation. Even then, the video has to be of high quality. The issues are similar to what I had with FaceWare: face scanning is a bit finicky. I have LifeFACE as well and the scanning of the iPhone as not as susceptible to low lighting conditions and presence of facial hair. It just works better for me.

Since I don't do my own voice-overs (wrong accent), the only application would indeed be to go from video to facial animation for any voice actors I might use in the future. Right now I can not justify the expense.

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I appreciate all the reviews and thoughts.  $250 is a lot of dough and hearing the varied experiences is very helpful.

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I ended up buying it (as always - I also have Faceware and Live Face so it's not exactly as if I NEEDED this).  

While I haven't used it a lot I will say I see a LOT of value in using it with video.  Just for fun I recorded myself using my iPhone (at 1080p, the lowest res on my phone) on the tennis court bench, handholding, and when I got the video home I stabilized it (with Premiere - took all of 20 seconds) and using this video (with just the sun for lighting - nothing special) it worked fantastic.  So in that regard it's a bit like having the ability to do animation on the go, anywhere and anywhen.  In the past (using 2D animation software) I recorded folks voices wherever they lived - now I can see doing the same thing with just my phone.

For stability (someone above mentioned eye fluttering) you can turn off or down the sensitivity.  Do I like it as much as Live Face?  No,  but not everyone has an iPhone (and, yes, not everyone has the right NVidia card but for those folks who do I can't see why they wouldn't want this).  It's a TON better than Faceware (which isn't even installed on my machine anymore).  Faceware was WAY too sensitive to lighting and my wearing  of glasses - honestly, Accuface doesn't care about my glasses and lighting isn't an issue as long as you have enough (just better to have a lot - like I said, outdoors it worked great.  Indoors I have a very bright office if I turn on the lights - I normally work in the dark).  It does better at facial animation than Live Face (for example it will do asymmetrical eyebrows, which Live Face does not) and it's a LOT more convenient to get setup and use (Live Face is always a bit complicated no matter how you connect).

So anyone without a facial animation solution that has the right video card would be foolish NOT to have this.  Others can make up their own mind (I'm glad I got it - I wished within a few months I hadn't bought Faceware but that's a whole other story).

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Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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I finally got AccuFace to work (sort of). But not for live capture, as the results just come out exaggerated, to the point of being comical. I get slightly better outcomes when I use my Panasonic videcam, and Camtasia Studio to record close-ups of my face as video files. Except when I use CC4's Headshot to place my own or another person't face onto an avatar. Then send to iC8. I'm hoping RL refines AccuFace so my $250 is not a total waste. Right now, I'd advise potential buyers to hold of off until/unless RL produces a more refined version of Accuface. RL, is usually quite good at listening to customers, so there's hope. But for those getting good results with it, I can only say I envy you. I had big plans for using it, and hope to eventually implement those plans.

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor

Joanne (RL)
Joanne (RL)
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JasonWynngard (12/18/2023)
I finally got AccuFace to work (sort of). But not for live capture, as the results just come out exaggerated, to the point of being comical. I get slightly better outcomes when I use my Panasonic videcam, and Camtasia Studio to record close-ups of my face as video files. Except when I use CC4's Headshot to place my own or another person't face onto an avatar. Then send to iC8. I'm hoping RL refines AccuFace so my $250 is not a total waste. Right now, I'd advise potential buyers to hold of off until/unless RL produces a more refined version of Accuface. RL, is usually quite good at listening to customers, so there's hope. But for those getting good results with it, I can only say I envy you. I had big plans for using it, and hope to eventually implement those plans.

Hi JasonWynngard,
Could you please provide us the video that record by your Panasonic videcam?
We suspect it is caused by the special video codec (the recorded video and the live capture from camera are theoretically the same, so we needs your video to find out.) 
You can leave an issue on Feedback tracker and provide the private link for this video.
Your assistance will greatly help us find the problem.

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Will Faceware and LiveFace be getting the file support as an update?
Will AccuFace be getting image sequencing

 I feel like other than the partnership with Faceware you have two solid standalones that could be combined or updated like that and really give some additional value with low effort, even from a technical PoV.

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quote]Joanne (RL) (12/19/2023)
JasonWynngard (12/18/2023)
I finally got AccuFace to work (sort of). But not for live capture, as the results just come out exaggerated, to the point of being comical. I get slightly better outcomes when I use my Panasonic videcam, and Camtasia Studio to record close-ups of my face as video files. Except when I use CC4's Headshot to place my own or another person't face onto an avatar. Then send to iC8. I'm hoping RL refines AccuFace so my $250 is not a total waste. Right now, I'd advise potential buyers to hold of off until/unless RL produces a more refined version of Accuface. RL, is usually quite good at listening to customers, so there's hope. But for those getting good results with it, I can only say I envy you. I had big plans for using it, and hope to eventually implement those plans.

Hi JasonWynngard,
Could you please provide us the video that record by your Panasonic videcam?
We suspect it is caused by the special video codec (the recorded video and the live capture from camera are theoretically the same, so we needs your video to find out.) 
You can leave an issue on Feedback tracker and provide the private link for this video.
Your assistance will greatly help us find the problem.


First of all, I hope my reply here doesn't end up bombing the thread with repetitive posts. Spent a lot of time writing a fairly lengthy reply, only to see it vanish when I tried to add bylinr tags.
I appreciate the reply. I assure you that the Panasonic isn't the issue. Neither was the LogiTech brio505 webcam. AccuFace was unable to see the Panasonic video until I opened it with Camtasia Studio and converted it to MP4. I got a result that was even crispier than the webcam, which isn't shabby itself.
Here's what I “think” I've learned.
1. I suspect, Motion Live/AccuFace doesn't like Headshot characters. I got the worst results with the Headshot character using my face exported to iC8.
2. Same thing when I used video mode with this character, though a very, very, slightly better outcome. Still useless to me.
3.I switched to a native iC character and got noticeably better results, though not wholly satisfactory for how I hope to use Motion Live/AccuFace.
4. In desperation, I downloaded two 16 second clips of speakers, and got two outcomes. One, a very marginal improvement with the Headshot file. Two, noticeably better outcomes using a native iC8 character.
My next step is to delete from iC my Headshot avatar. Go to CC4, rename it, and re-export it to iC8. Thinking maybe my bumbling earlier efforts somehow corrupted the original file. But the truth is, I don't think Motion Live/AccuFace likes Headshot avatars. Something RL might want to examine if/when they refine Motion Live/AccuFace.

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor


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