Posted 5 Years Ago
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So it is basically not close to 1:1. You have to overexpose the scene with lights, tweaking them until you get the desired result. Something has changed? 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 5 Years Ago
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As far as I can remember, it always came out kind of dark. But I think you should judge it when used as IBL, not as a rendered image on its own. For example, in a scene I'm working on now, I'm using Sunset_2, which comes with iClone. The thumbnail looks really dark, but it is OK in the scene itself.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Yes, there is a lot of factors in the scene would affect the Bake, such as Shadows, GI, Ambient occlusion.. etc. - in a way that is hard to *predict*... So here is a Tip. To preview your scene in view-port as an *IBL bake* (not the 360 - just the image quality aspects), change those 2 registry values mentioned in my above post to 1 and restart iClone. Now you can tweak the scene as you'd like it to appear in a bake. Bake IBL, change values back to 0 and restart iClone. Here is an example: Scene opened and tweaked in IBL bake mode (that is how I named it :)): 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge and its counterpart after baking (converted to jpeg, just so I can post it): 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge And of course it would be nice of RL to have this mode as one of the Real-Time options available in a drop-down. FT 6659
Posted 5 Years Ago
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The iClone slpash screen says the version I'm running is 7.41.....yet the version listed in the HUB is 7.71. Odd. Anyway.....I am now having the same problem. I was studying up in IBL baking, and the program crashed when I wen to do one. When I started iClone up again, I had the darkening of all my assets problem. I tried un-installing, and re-installing iClone, updated my Nvidia drivers, etc. All to no avail. You can temporarily get around the issue by simply taking the opacity from 100 to 99 on any asset. Unforuntely, we can't do this with Speedtree assets. On top of that, it's really not a sollution. It's got to be a registry thing of some kind......I'm guessing. I need help to fix this issue......hello developers.....WTF??
Posted 5 Years Ago
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The iClone slpash screen says the version I'm running is 7.41.....yet the version listed in the HUB is 7.71. Odd. Anyway.....I am now having the same problem. I was studying up in IBL baking, and the program crashed when I wen to do one. When I started iClone up again, I had the darkening of all my assets problem. I tried un-installing, and re-installing iClone, updated my Nvidia drivers, etc. All to no avail. You can temporarily get around the issue by simply taking the opacity from 100 to 99 on any asset. Unforuntely, we can't do this with Speedtree assets. On top of that, it's really not a sollution. It's got to be a registry thing of some kind......I'm guessing. I need help to fix this issue......hello developers.....WTF??
Posted 5 Years Ago
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7.41 is an old version that did have that problem. Help => About iClone 7 will give the version you are currently running. The Hub has many mysteries that are poorly understood. Is there an update listed under Updates in the Hub?
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I know......the registry fix info. seems to be different for 7.71. The one posted was for iClone 6 I believe. I cannot use my program until I find the fix. HELP!!
Posted 5 Years Ago
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No. It is empty. I downloaded my last re-install from the HUB. I wonder if I can get the program from a different source outside the HUB? Thx.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Reinstalling iClone does not fix the problem with crash after baking IBL. You have to follow the fix I posted earlier: And this is the video I made yesterday for my FT ticket
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Thanks for your help. I was successful in getting the right iClone 7.71 version installed. I had to house clean some stuff that didn't delete upon the un-install procedure. I was hoping that that alone would fix my issue. As you said in your last msg, it wouldn't, and it didn't. I did see your earlier msg on the fix. In my regedit iClone Preferences directory, there wasn't anything like you described. No 'OnlyShowDiffuse' commands. So I created a couple as were in your tutorial, but it still didn't change anything. The problem persisits. In your video, you didn't have to re-boot or re-start anything, just re-load your project and it was fine. I really don't know what else to try or do.