I originally thought that iClone would not be able to use MetaHumans since live link only works with stuff exported from iClone to Unreal. My previous questions about how to import characters from the UE market place to iClone, for example, were met with "import the clothes only and then use the CC character". It seems tht stuff that originate in UE4 are not compatible with iClone/ CC.
So now I see there is a Live Link for MetaHumans and I wonder: "How does this work?"
Does iClone just automatically look for a character in UE4 with the name we enter? Or do we need to go from UE4 -> 3DX-> CC -> iClone -> Back to UE4?
I watched the getting started video and all it says is "You can see the character in Unreal is Samantha so we need to select Samantha in iClone since that is what we sent to Unreal". The end. Tht is the sum total of the entire "Getting started" video. Everything else is just a rehash of the other tutorials that have been done to death already. How to use animations. How to animate the face. How to use the rigs. How to double click on hand poses. How to do all the other stuff we have videos for.
But how to actually get started using Metahumans in iClone? Do we have to export the character from Unreal into iClone/CC then export it back to Unreal (and delete the original) ? No clue.