Hi everyone,
This is a place for all users to openly share your experience and showcase your work.
If you can share high-quality showcases, tutorials, and give some useful suggestions, we will gift you the G3 Actor Dressing Room Content Pack to thank you for your heartfelt contributions.
Please also share with us the software(s) you used (besides CTA) when you upload your animation
Note: Please don't publish your work / animation project on Youtube or any public platform.
When the update releases, Reallusion would love to promote showcases from users. At the same time, we are looking for high-quality showcases that could demonstrate:
1. a complete animated story that involves post-production in other video editing software (example)
2. character animation/ 2D animation in live action. (example)
3. 2D character in 3D environment (example)
4. animated story with practical use (for example: explainer video, commercials, business promotion, tutorial etc.)