Rampa (11/26/2018)
That's it!
It'll drop the character to a lower mesh, yet retain all morphs and blendshapes.Come on Rampa...this is only partly true. You should have done the test yourself before giving this advice. This feature does not work properly and has mesh and bone issues.
Why this issue still exists is beyond me.
.....So here is the REAL truth about the Game UV and exporting Body Morphs....Expression Blendshapes also tested here. Just another half-baked feature in CC3.
Also note...
ALL the bone names and structure are different in the Game UV which has an affect on the animations coming out of iClone7...but we are talking about CC3 here....not iClone7....but...getting this CC3 Game UV body to animate without fixing the animations is a hard swallow to customers. I tested it...I know. Test it if curious and see.And of course here is the proof in pics. =)Game UV does not work properly and is a Non-Path Workflow to Game Development/Engine Real-Time Rendering. It just isn't until RL fixes it.
So the best Option is LOD Manually using LOD0 = 100% LOD1 = 70% LOD2 = 30% LOD3 = 15% LOD4 is not necessary....simply cull at 5-10%
**Always LOD from the LOD0 to the lower LOD# or things break. All LOD systems have this issue.
With this we get matching mesh reduction/decimation with clothing items as well in a consistent method....as should be in the InstaLOD....which is also half-baked.
Test (about 40min includng screen pics)....CC3 Default Exported (FBX) with Bra and Panty. Then Convert to Game UV the Default CC3 and Exported (FBX)
*Remember to UNCHECK the Embed Textures when going to a Game Engine or they will not work properly.
- All textures set to Maximum 2048 (some export smaller...which is fine)
- Default UV = 29 textures 17.9mb
- Default UV = 14 Materials
- Default UV =
35334 (just the Body), 35654 Total- Game UV = 30 textures 41.8mb <= Huh? I did not compare which is the extra texture but the file space got larger during the baking.
- Game UV = 15 Materials <= Ummm....Okay?
- Game UV = 19294 (just the Body), 19614 Total
You can see in the 2nd pic the mesh reduction for everything in the scene....but it is ONLY the character mesh....not the Bra and Panty.
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Default Textures on Export (Unity 3D Template with no adjustments except Unchecking Embed Textures) JPG format....should be PNG by default
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Game UV Textures on Export PNG format on Bake...so Unity 3D Template is JPG but a Convert to Game UV is PNG on baking? Should be PNG/PNG
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Imported in Unity. Materials have to be extracted to fix the Transparent setting in the materials (most of them not all). Normals are also messed up and need to be fixed (never has been fixed).
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
After fixing the Normals. Upper body and Bra and Panty are all fine now....but the Game UV legs have serious issues.
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Here you can see the mesh reduction is actually well done on the Body. The Bra and Panty are untouched.
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
And here you can see the Skinned Mesh Renderer has identical Phoneme and Facial Blends are present but
no Body or Expression blends. To make expressions one would need to mix and match in C# to set a 'Recipe' and LERP in each blend based upon the Recipe 0-100.0% scaling....example....adding Wide to an expression you only need 12.5% so the Scaling is 0.0 to 12.5% = 100.0% over 0.000 to 0.250s. If you have 10 blends in an expression then all 10 would need to be done this way.
Another method is using Morph Mixer and/or PolyMorpher from the Asset Store and make new Morphs from these combinations and simply setting 0.0 to 1.0 (100.0%)
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
And the bones. WTF and Why?
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge