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It's true that Unreal has a huge learning curve, like Blender and iClone. However for cinematics 90% of Unreal can be ignored. I moved from Blender to Unreal because Blender just could not cope with large exterior environments. I use the Brushify packs to do landscaping and initialvegeation. They are a huge time saver. Assets and propes I create in Blender and texture them is Substance painter, or more often now with Quixel mixer, which is free to Unreal users.The part that was missing was character creation and animation, which lead me to look at iClone and character creator.
Thanks fo the link to sketch up, I'll be investing that and the warehouse.
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I'm with you on learning Unreal Animagic. These days I need a project that has a requirement to force me to use new software or features and that is how I learn new stuff. When I switched to Blender, I actually chose one of my commercial projects to do the switch on and here I am four years later with Blender as my core DCC app. I too will still use iClone for the fore stated reasons mainly because I know it well and find it really fast to do stuff in that would take me hours in Blender, especially the character work. I do however buy very little content for iClone from the marketplace as most projects I have worked on are bespoke and I end up creating all the assets myself anyway.
Alan M
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There are a lot of free assets in 3DWarehouse in Sketchup format, which you can import into iClone via 3DXchange. Trimble has made it all a bit more difficult, because they did away with the desktop version of Sketchup, which you would need to save in a Sketchup version that 3DXchange can read (2015). To download the free 2017 desktop version go here: I've been an iClone user since 2006,so I just stick with it. I'm following what people do with Unreal here, but I think my brain is too small or too old to adapt!
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mike.dodds.limekilns (8/8/2020) Hi Alan, I'm happy to report the problems and also if you like to test the fixes.
I'm now in 104. Of course Exterior Lighting 001 will not open. The Interior Lighting 001 and Lighting Types files do open with DRM flag for Interior Lighting 001. . I realise that there have been substantial changes to lighting in iClone7, but the principles of lighting are the same and your course is excellent. I will complete the course, but I'm fairly certain that I will not use iClone to build sets, or light and render scenes. It's just too expensive. I'm about to be made redundant, and at my age that basically means early retirement. With Unreal I have access to the huge library of free megascans assents. I don't need to spend more to do facial mocap. I can get Ray Tracing without having to buy another addon. I see Reallusion received an Epic Megagrant, and now the livelink to Unreal plugin is free to independents. Now Reallusion is on Epic's radar it will interesteing to see what else changes, or if they are in Epic's sights for aquisition.
Cheers MikeHey Mike,
Thanks for continuing the conversation. More importantly a big thank you for sticking with all the issues the course assets are throwing at you, I think most people would have asked for their money back by now which would be perfectly understandable.
"I'm fairly certain that I will not use iClone to build sets, It's just too expensive." Yes, both Daz3D and Reallusion make their real money from selling additional product and assets. The main difference being that the core Daz tools are free, whereas the Reallusion ones are not and they also charge for their many plugins (They tend to give you the lite version with the core product to encourage you to spend money on upgrading with add-ons etc).
I can empathise with the forced early retirement situation, in my case it was instigated by my health and I was forced to leave the VFX industry that I loved last Autumn well ahead of my official retirement age. But I had no choice in the matter as my body will no longer allow me to function in a normal capacity day to day.
This is why I am looking at other ways to create an income, such as producing more training material.
I think your choice of Unreal Engine is a good one as well as your proposed pipeline. I do all my set and prop construction in blender and then port those textured assets into iClone. But, I mainly use iClone for pre-viz so final render quality is not an issue for me. The last two commercial jobs I did before retiring were all finished and rendered with Cycles in Blender. All the character stuff came from CC3 and iClone7 and was exported either as FBX or Alembic and then loaded into my blender scenes.
Unreal is of course a great choice, not just for real-time but for render quality and of course their tech demo of what is coming in 2021/22 with the micro-poly stuff is just amazing, so a lot to look forward to. As to Reallusion, yes, I think the switch from charging nearly $1,000 for the Unreal Live link, to giving it away for free may have been a by product of the Epic Mega Grant, but that is just my speculation. The future is certainly going to be interesting and that includes the development of iClone 8. My thoughts are with you in regard your work situation and I wish you all the best
Alan M
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Hi Alan, I'm happy to report the problems and also if you like to test the fixes.
I'm now in 104. Of course Exterior Lighting 001 will not open. The Interior Lighting 001 and Lighting Types files do open with DRM flag for Interior Lighting 001. . I realise that there have been substantial changes to lighting in iClone7, but the principles of lighting are the same and your course is excellent. I will complete the course, but I'm fairly certain that I will not use iClone to build sets, or light and render scenes. It's just too expensive. I'm about to be made redundant, and at my age that basically means early retirement. With Unreal I have access to the huge library of free megascans assents. I don't need to spend more to do facial mocap. I can get Ray Tracing without having to buy another addon. I see Reallusion received an Epic Megagrant, and now the livelink to Unreal plugin is free to independents. Now Reallusion is on Epic's radar it will interesteing to see what else changes, or if they are in Epic's sights for aquisition.
Cheers Mike
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mike.dodds.limekilns (8/7/2020) Well, support came back.
After our checking, the project files in the iClone 6 Fundamentals 4-in-1 could contain some datas which are not compatible with iClone 7. Since these files are made by the 3rd party developer, we can not update them directly. We'll contact the developer and let him know the issue. But it's hard to promise when he can update it. Therefore, we suggest you not to use these project files.Alan, are you able to provide the *.sbsar and associated .png thumbnail files you used between EX-Beer Garden 003 and EX-Beer Garden 004. Ground_27 is one, I think there was also a brick and concrete. I suspect they'll be available from substance source, but the names may have been changed.Cheers,Mike Hi Mike,
Perfectly happy to take it on the chin for those assets but as pointed out they worked all those years ago. I should be able to track down and replace those assets when I get me clean test system up an running.
As to DRM, Reallusion will have to take that one for the team, we were not able, not did we wish to implement DRM in the content we provided for the course. Reallusion of course use DRM heavily on their own assets as well as the marketplace. The DRM issues stem from two sources. 1). The small group of commercial assets that Rellusion agreed to supply with the course to make it viable, a good example of this would be the city buildings around the beer garden. Anyone who bought this course should have received a voucher that allowed then to remove the DRM from these assets. This also included a couple of clothing items that you have noted. If RL are no longer providing this voucher then that is down to them sadly.
2). Character assets (Amy etc) in the case of these assets, yes we did create them for the course, however, we used the standard embedded assets that came with both iClone 6 and the original Character Creator 1.0 (with the exception of the agreed CC_Essentials_Clothing assets). The rest of the elements back when the course was released did not suffer from any DRM issues because everyone who bought a copy of iClone 6 and got CC1 free had the say basic install, so, everything just worked.
I would be happy to fix these issues, I have some thoughts on how to do this but to do so I would need help from your good self? The help would purely be in the form of responding to requests for information and of course what you are already doing, which is notifying me of issues as you run into them. I appreciate that this may take some of your time and I will fully understand if it is not something you can commit to. The only reason I wish to resolve this is that as long as RL continue to sell copies of this course I will have to deal with these problems. It would be better to get them fixed once and for all.
I am in the process of setting up a second clean PC running Windows 10 and the latest iClone 7 etc so that I can do a test install of the Fundamentals Course in a clean base level environment. In the interim would you be good enough to let me know what version of iClone 7 and CC3 you are running??
Alan M
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mike.dodds.limekilns (8/7/2020) Hi Alan
I'm still trying to figure out my pipeline, but I think it's going to be something like.
Create character in CC3 Export to Blender to create clothing and hair. Texture with Substance Painter Take that back into CC3. Animate in iClone Create set in Unreal Engine Record the animations from iClone in Unreal Engine. And take from there in Unreal Engine.
MikeHi Mike
Your pipeline seems perfectly reasonable to me. I too am a Blender user so going between iC7, CC3 and blender is something I have done quiet a lot of. As to the line 'Take that back into CC3' I assume you are just referring to bringing back clothing and accessories? I will have to check but it used to be the case that importing characters into CC3 could not be done. If it is just the clothing and accessories then you will be fine that all works perfectly but as far as a full body rig is concerned it is not possible. Having said that it is true that you can export a full body FBX file (no rig) along with a DRM key so you can make morphs and mesh alterations in blender and bring those elements back.
Even though I am a long time Blender user I still prefer to animate in iClone for ease and speed. I do have the Unreal engine live link but I am yet to go that route purely down to time commitment learning Unreal, so, I will be interested in how you get on.
Alan M
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Well, support came back.
After our checking, the project files in the iClone 6 Fundamentals 4-in-1 could contain some datas which are not compatible with iClone 7. Since these files are made by the 3rd party developer, we can not update them directly. We'll contact the developer and let him know the issue. But it's hard to promise when he can update it. Therefore, we suggest you not to use these project files.Alan, are you able to provide the *.sbsar and associated .png thumbnail files you used between EX-Beer Garden 003 and EX-Beer Garden 004. Ground_27 is one, I think there was also a brick and concrete. I suspect they'll be available from substance source, but the names may have been changed.Cheers,Mike
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Hi Alan
Thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll just live with the DRM Flags. Seems I would need to buy a pack CC_Essential_Cloth_Fabric to get the characters fixed. There seem to be other DRM issues later in the course with the buildings.. I'll be primarily doing sci-fi and fantasy work, so I've no need for contemporary styles at this time.
The crash is being investigated by Reallusion Support. They say they can open the files in iClone7, so it seems to be a problem with my installation. Hopefully we'll get that figured out soon.
I'm still trying to figure out my pipeline, but I think it's going to be something like.
Create character in CC3 Export to Blender to create clothing and hair. Texture with Substance Painter Take that back into CC3. Animate in iClone Create set in Unreal Engine Record the animations from iClone in Unreal Engine. And take from there in Unreal Engine.
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Mike greetings, It is clear, and to be honest not at all surprising that you have run into a classic case of a product being left behind by the core application. The Fundamentals Course is nearly four years old now and of course was written for iClone 6. Initially, it had no great problem installing and working under iClone 7 in the early days of that version. Well, as we all know, iClone 7 is now up to version 7.8 and has undergone huge changes under the hood and that is just iC7! Character Creator is of course at V3.3 and has become a standalone product with huge changes also. The version released with the course did not even have a version number, effectively it was 1.0 and relied heavily on the substance engine technology. Where does that leave us? Maybe the course should no longer be promoted by Reallusion due to these compatibility issues (unless it is updated to work properly with iClone 7) Mind you I have always found it very hard to find the course on the site anyway, so, it is not exactly as though RL are advertising its presence.
The watermarks are not necessarily the actual character themselves. It may be that one of their clothing items or materials is no longer bundled with the latest version of iClone 7 and it is generating the DRM watermark. Having said that, the characters you mentioned, I am pretty sure, were created with the original Character Creator and therefore may all have a DRM issues now. The assets that are behaving very likely were created using standard iClone 6 characters which are in the iClone library and not the CC library. In fact, Haden is indeed based on one of the standard G6 avatars.
I will do my best to see if there is a fix for this, first stage is to identify what is triggering the DRM so I can bring it up with Reallusion and see if there is a solution.
As to your question about a course for iClone 7, I have not forgotten that. The immediate answer I am afraid is not any time soon. The original course took more than 5 months to create and was only possible because I was paid a retainer to work full time on it. Until recently I have not been in a position, due to commercial work commitments, to create something similar. Having said that, I have designed a new course and laid out plans for it. Potentially, as I have now retired from the VFX industry in which I worked, I do have time to focus on something like this. However, with iClone 8 on the horizon for next year’s road map creating a course for version 7 may not be the most sensible thing. One forum member did have a good idea though, and that was to make the course modular so that parts of it can be swapped out when the software changes. This is something I have been trying to factor into the design of the new course but that in itself is significant effort to get right.
Alan M