ksrisley_20110505002911432 (2/5/2016)
Upon closer inspection, I've noted that the program crashes in about 5 to 10 minutes, render or not. And only with certain project. Others are stable. This is new with the latest release.
Wondering about the "clean install". I just downloaded the entire program. Up to know I have just done patches. Is a "clean install" easy to do? Any chance of it wiping out my templates and custom folders? -
KenI encounter the same problem as you with the latest patch, the crash occurs always of a
StackHash error.
The StackHash error occurs when DEP is invoked and has an issue with whatever application you’re trying to run ,
the error is related to Data Execution Prevention.
If DEP notices a program on your computer using memory incorrectly, it closes the program and notifies you. It is as such a security feature.
I tried to disable DEP for iClone6 but unfortunately Windows 10 does not allows to disable DEP for 64bit programs.
Windows error report
Récipient d’erreurs 120405056329, type 4
Nom d’événement : APPCRASH
Réponse : Non disponible
ID de CAB : 0
Signature du problème :
P1 : iClone.exe
P2 : 6.4.2527.1
P3 : 56a7ad07
P4 : StackHash_71c4
P5 : 10.0.10240.16603
P6 : 5655363f
P7 : c0000374
P8 : PCH_7E_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000093B2A
P9 :
P10 :
Application error
Nom de l’application défaillante iClone.exe, version : 6.4.2527.1, horodatage : 0x56a7ad07
Nom du module défaillant : ntdll.dll, version : 10.0.10240.16603, horodatage : 0x5655363f
Code d’exception : 0xc0000374
Décalage d’erreur : 0x00000000000ea2ec
ID du processus défaillant : 0x2b94
Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d160ade9e607d3
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : F:\PROGRAMMES\Reallusion\iClone 6\Bin64\iClone.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
ID de rapport : 7f2eb3ac-ccc2-44c6-83b4-dfda0a8e227f
Nom complet du package défaillant :
ID de l’application relative au package défaillant :
Using Windows 10 Pro 64bits; Intel Core i7-5960X 3.00/4.00 GHz (16 CPU); 32G Ram; Dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN Z (SLI) all drivers up to date.