stuckon3d (1/4/2011)
@ reallusion
Before i turn in my entry, I would like to know how much post work are we allowed to do on the renders ( both image and animation). I'm staying within Sketchup , 3dexchange, iclone, video editor (to put cuts together and tiltles) and a paint program to touch up textures. But I see some entries that are using plugins after iclone renders, which makes it a little unfair to those that dont have that capability. I have advanced tools that can take an iclone render three to four levels up beyond what i can already do in iclone, but using them would not be fair to the rest of the participants.
So my question is : are you going to ignore the added enhancements or are they going to be taken in consideration. Obviously these plugins can make a huge impact on the images and animations.
thank you,
PS: please answer soon, i only have a day and a half to turn in my entry. Thanks again If your allowed to enter more than one entry, you should enter both. If the post work entries are disqualified or taken under special consideration, you will still have your 'iClone only' render as a backup.
To keep it fair, just try to stay in the realm of the best entries you've seen submited without going overboard.
Cheers & good luck,
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