iClone & SketchUp Contest Winner Prizes

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By Visconti - 15 Years Ago
Reallusion and SketchUcation are proud to announce our 'Bring Architecture to Life' rendering contest. The goal of this contest is to use the powerful combination of Google SketchUp and Reallusion iClone to create the most visually appealing architectural renders possible.

Utilize your creativity and eye for architecture for a chance to win various prizes, including an Apple iPad and Sony Cyber-Shot digital camera. Reallusion... offers full software suites of Natural Elements props and other packages to enhance your creations as well.

We also have special prizes for the most popular renders this time around. The 'People's Choice' award will go to the image/video that has the most 'likes' on our Facebook page. The 'Buzz' award will go to the image/video that has the most unique comments (from different users). Simply upload your render to the event page, and get all your friends to come vote for you!

Prizes for Winners:

Video Render Entry

1st Place
Grand Prize: Apple iPad 32 GB
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, iClone Nature Builder, Google SketchUp PRO 8, LoungeTek Laptop desk, SketchUCation B'Ball Cap, SketchUcation USB Wallet Card.

2nd Place
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, iClone Nature Builder, SketchUCation B'Ball Cap, SketchUcation USB Wallet Card

3rd Place
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, CrazyTalk 6 PRO

People’s Choice
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO

Buzz Lucky Winner
CrazyTalk 6 PRO

Image Render Entry

1st Place
Grand Prize: Panasonic Lumix 12.1 Digital Camera
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, iClone Nature Builder, Google SketchUp PRO 8, LoungeTek Laptop desk, SketchUCation B'Ball Cap, SketchUcation USB Wallet Card.

2nd Place
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, iClone Nature Builder, SketchUCation B'Ball Cap, SketchUcation USB Wallet Card

3rd Place
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO, CrazyTalk 6 PRO

People’s Choice
iClone 4 PRO, 3DXchange 4 PRO

Buzz Lucky Winner
CrazyTalk 6 PRO

By stuckon3d - 15 Years Ago
sounds like fun, is there a limit on the amount of images and videos we can submit?
By Christy0 - 15 Years Ago
Great prizes and contest,

I just knew I should have stuck with Sketchup in the early days.

By gaieus - 15 Years Ago
Hi all,

I am the admin of the SketchUcation Community Forums. We have created a special area for the competition should anyone need some help with SketchUp. Feel free to register and ask questions, post your problems there.

@Visconti, if you do not mind, I simply copy/pasted your post to make a global announcement over SketchUcation. :blush:

I'd also like to ask something. Among the prizes, the Google SketchUp Pro license ("USB wallet) and the SketchUp socks are not coming from the sponsorship of SketchUcation but Google. If you could edit those images, please, as we would not like to take credits for others offerings.

Finally I wish everyone some happy sketching and rendering!
By Visconti - 15 Years Ago
@ gaieus

Sure, welcome...please help pass the great news to your community as well.
And I will update the sponsor info soon.
Thanks for the info

By wires - 15 Years Ago
While I can accept that every contest needs rules and restrictions, I find the restrictions in this one just a little too much.

1 video - 30secs to 1 min, possible.


2 photos - 1 from SketchUp and 1 from iClone.

RL are using at least 4 in their own banner ad. for the contest. Makes it kind of hard for the rest of us who would like to show what can be done using different views.

Just my 2 cents worth on this one.

By Samulis - 15 Years Ago
Sounds like an opportunity to open the doors of Samersania Film Studios' latest. I will most definitely be showcasing my most recent models. A thousand thanks to Reallusion and Google (as well as the SkechUp community and other parties) for entertaining this contest.
By Visconti - 15 Years Ago
Sorry...quick correction about the prize & sponsor info (the updated parts are as below)

By gaieus - 15 Years Ago
Many thanks for the update! :)
By Dulci - 15 Years Ago
Now I just need to come up with an idea.... :)
By wires - 15 Years Ago
To answer this question from stuckon3d

...is there a limit on the amount of images and videos we can submit?

This is from the Facebook contest page:

For video entries: one video clip in YouTube which contains the SketchUp model before and after iClone rendering enhancement about 30 secs to 1 min

- For image entries: one image file to compare the differences of the SketchUp model before and after iClone rendering enhancement in 16:9 format

By mark - 15 Years Ago
Hey Gerry. Got a contest entry animation that's 1 min and 15 secs is that going to kill my entry? :w00t:
By wires - 15 Years Ago

I'm not too sure just how tight RL will be regarding the time limit. I really cut my entry to pieces to keep it inside the 1 min limit. If I had a free hand it would have been at least 2-3 mins. - just to show what the rest of the buildings looked like on the inside.

I know it's hard, but I would try to keep inside the limits - unless someone from RL says differently.

By mark - 15 Years Ago
Thanks Gerry;) Maybe someone from RL will let me know...?? Please:):
By mark - 15 Years Ago
Then again...maybe not ;) I guess 60 secs is 60 secs :cool:
By Peter (RL) - 15 Years Ago
Apologies for the delay in replying. The 30 - 60 seconds is a guide rather than a restriction. Videos which are a little over this time will still be eligible to win.
By mark - 15 Years Ago
Better late than never...;) Thanks for the info :)
By stuckon3d - 15 Years Ago
thank you Peter, I'm glad that that is the case. The title and the credits alone can eat up 20 seconds of the animation length. :P
By Dulci - 15 Years Ago
Tonight we will be discussing Sketchup & iClone with Andrew Telker on the Wolf & Dulci Hour. You can listen live by tuning in at www.tmoaradio.com at 9pm CST/10pm EST. An interactive chat room is up during our show as well where you can add your thoughts and ask questions while we're on the air - http://www.tmoaradio.com/v3chat/index.php.
By stuckon3d - 14 Years Ago
@ reallusion
Before i turn in my entry, I would like to know how much post work are we allowed to do on the renders ( both image and animation). I'm staying within Sketchup , 3dexchange, iclone, video editor (to put cuts together and tiltles) and a paint program to touch up textures. But I see some entries that are using plugins after iclone renders, which makes it a little unfair to those that dont have that capability. I have advanced tools that can take an iclone render three to four levels up beyond what i can already do in iclone, but using them would not be fair to the rest of the participants.
So my question is : are you going to ignore the added enhancements or are they going to be taken in consideration. Obviously these plugins can make a huge impact on the images and animations.

thank you,


PS: please answer soon, i only have a day and a half to turn in my entry. Thanks again
By Capemedia - 14 Years Ago
stuckon3d (1/4/2011)
@ reallusion
Before i turn in my entry, I would like to know how much post work are we allowed to do on the renders ( both image and animation). I'm staying within Sketchup , 3dexchange, iclone, video editor (to put cuts together and tiltles) and a paint program to touch up textures. But I see some entries that are using plugins after iclone renders, which makes it a little unfair to those that dont have that capability. I have advanced tools that can take an iclone render three to four levels up beyond what i can already do in iclone, but using them would not be fair to the rest of the participants.
So my question is : are you going to ignore the added enhancements or are they going to be taken in consideration. Obviously these plugins can make a huge impact on the images and animations.

thank you,


PS: please answer soon, i only have a day and a half to turn in my entry. Thanks again

Hey Cris I know you want a RL response but for me go for it. If you can make something that is a beautiful peice of eye candy then do it.

Just my thoughts


By Seeker769 - 14 Years Ago
stuckon3d (1/4/2011)
@ reallusion
Before i turn in my entry, I would like to know how much post work are we allowed to do on the renders ( both image and animation). I'm staying within Sketchup , 3dexchange, iclone, video editor (to put cuts together and tiltles) and a paint program to touch up textures. But I see some entries that are using plugins after iclone renders, which makes it a little unfair to those that dont have that capability. I have advanced tools that can take an iclone render three to four levels up beyond what i can already do in iclone, but using them would not be fair to the rest of the participants.
So my question is : are you going to ignore the added enhancements or are they going to be taken in consideration. Obviously these plugins can make a huge impact on the images and animations.

thank you,


PS: please answer soon, i only have a day and a half to turn in my entry. Thanks again

 If your allowed to enter more than one entry, you should enter both. If the post work entries are disqualified or taken under special consideration, you will still have your 'iClone only' render as a backup.

 To keep it fair, just try to stay in the realm of the best entries you've seen submited without going overboard.

Cheers & good luck,


By stuckon3d - 14 Years Ago
thanks for the feedback, cape and seeker, but the more I think about it, the fair thing to do is stay with the programs that everyone have at their disposal for the contest(sketchup, 3dxchange,paint program for texture touch-up, iclone, and some video editing software), That way if I win I know it is because of skill and not because of some fancy external tool. ;)


By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
That's certainly right for me (although it's probably chance for me, not skill, which I probably lack)... I hardly had time to get it into an external editor. :hehe:

The upload finished five minutes before (I think) the contest closed... Yes, I am a major procrastinator on certain things... I just hope my guess wasn't off and I didn't spend the past two hours fighting a 160k poly model until I realized I could cut it up in pieces and import it in ~50k chunks... after that, it was just cinematic stuff. Out of all of this, I certainly learned a lesson- plan B should not be reserved for the last day. :D

Excellent work out there (and in here), everyone... I think we proved that a community with a good mindset and toolset can accomplish a lot, even when using what some pro model-makers would wrongly call the 'MS Paint of 3D building programs' to build, or even just acquire our models. There are some pretty incredible and memorable projects out there that people did... once again, great job everyone. :)