Thanks, yes, it could be used for anything if you attach pieces to 6 relevant bones.
In this case it is: head, spine01, upperarm_twist_01_r, upperarm_twist_01_l, thigh_twist_01_r, thigh_twist_01_l
All would be OK as long as bones start/end adjusted to match the mesh joints.
I could have made it with 8 relevant bones (include hands boned as well),
but I figured it would be easier to just attach hands to arms, set the correct pivot for hands mesh and simply animate by local transform if necessary.
Some other bones have influence (by IK/FK chain), that is why animation clips for humans have to be thoroughly "cleaned" in Curve Editor.
Mainly all the spines (except spine01) and clavicles animation have to be removed, then in FK animation mode L/R clavicles adjusted so that arms are properly aligned with shoulders at the beginning of the clip.
I would also remove neck animation keys in some cases if head is popping a lot out of place.
After such cleaning and if there is no excessive arms rotation, the animation would look good. Like this funny little dance (it is a Club_Dance_01 from Dream Girls pack).
Of course to make it super clean, it can be taken to Blender for complete human mesh removal as well as removal of finger bones.