I downloaded Auto Setup 1.24 for Unreal Engine 5. It doesn't show up in my opened UE5 Project
, and it doesn't show up in Plugins, within the project either.
I copied both the CC Shaders>to the project, & the Plugins>Content. Then I tried to open the project in UE5 and I get an error message that says: "Missing ProjectName Modules The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: RLPlugin Would you like to rebuild them now?"
I say yes and I get " Error ProjectName could not be complied.Try rebuilding from source manually." <I don't know what that means.
I also tried adding the project name to: "RLPlugin.Build.cs" as: (CCtoUErosie, SEE BELOW "+++", look at the last line)
No luck getting the CC plugin to show up this way either. Am I making the correct moves? I'm not use to writing code and am unsure if I am inputting the project name correctly and in the correct place.
Thank you to anyone who might be able to support me on this. Go easy on me, it's all new to me.
public class RLPlugin : ModuleRules
public RLPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
//bUsePrecompiled = true;
new string[] {
// ... CCtoUErosie ...