Unreal Engine 5 AutoSetup v1.24 Release Note

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By Fionn (RL) - 3 Years Ago

Big changes in Unreal Engine 5 has introduced ray-traced Lumen rendering and Chaos physics which has led to some visual discrepancies between Character Creator and Reallusion’s UE4 AutoSetup.  We have addressed these issues in the latest version of AutoSetup (version 1.24) which is essentially a patch of AutoSetup 1.23. However, users will need to take great care to refine the characters’ collision meshes in order to achieve proper cloth physics results. >> Free Download herehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/dc334e16-3552-49ec-aef4-c32b.png 
The shader updates include PBR opacity, Eyes, Hair and Beard, and Teeth:
  • Objects with opacity maps and PBR material have strange black borders when rendered with Lumen, i.e., eyelashes and head.
  • Enhanced the brightness of the iris to strengthen the visual effect.
  • Adjusted the strength of the Eye Occlusion to brighten up the eyes and strengthen translucency.
  • Added Advanced Opacity parameter for the hair, eyebrows, and beard to improve the look of hair cards; also strengthened the Specularity of the hair to add more glossiness.
  • Adjusted the default settings for the hair physics for more natural movement and reaction.
  • Reduced the normal strength settings for the teeth to make them more realistic.
1. Eyes
  • Enhanced the brightness of the iris to strengthen the visual effect.

Adjusted the strength of the Eye Occlusion to brighten up the eyes and strengthen translucency.

From Sclera to Limbus, each part of Eyes can be customised in CC4 before sending to UE5 and remaining the same visual quality.

2. Hair & Beard
  • Objects with opacity maps and PBR material have strange black borders when rendered with Lumen.
2-1. Hair scalp (Head)https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/5df5ed90-6f09-4379-b1c2-5531.png
2-2. Eyelash
  • Added Advanced Opacity parameter for the hair, eyebrows, and beard to improve the look of the hair cards; also strengthened the Specularity of the hair to add more glossiness.
2-3. Hair
2-4. Eyebrowshttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/9507d0c7-97bf-44db-a825-a065.png
2-5. Beardhttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/66713a83-49a7-4c10-8598-7baf.png
  • Adjusted the default settings for the hair physics for more natural movement and reaction.

3. Cloth
  • Cloth physics : Manually adjustments for the collision meshes are required to make their sizes uniform.

  • Arm collision shapes have an effect on the skirt physics.
  • Leg collision shapes are too thick making an obtuse shape when applied.
  • Arm: Take away the undesired collision shapes.
  • Leg: Reduce the thickness (diameter) of the collision shapes.
  • ChaosClothSharedSimConfig > Simulation: In an effort to make the skirt appear more detailed (for reference only).
4. Teeth
  • Reduced the normal strength settings for the teeth to make them more realistic.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/c1ef1e23-84d4-4e04-b8a0-fb52.png
By StyleMarshal - 3 Years Ago
By Jeasy - 3 Years Ago
This is amazing, can't wait to try it out. Does this fix the hair physics issue as well with some hair getting blown and not sitting properly on the character's head? 
By cutoffsquid98 - 3 Years Ago
Thanks reallusion team. I waited for this update. However I can’t download it. I am at the page and I am seeing the latest version but there is nothing to click for download. I followed this link.
By Jeasy - 3 Years Ago
Same here! Unable to download the latest or previous Auto Setup tools for Unreal Engine. Can the download links be fixed please. Thanks!

erictaredenedo (7/22/2022)
Thanks reallusion team. I waited for this update. However I can’t download it. I am at the page and I am seeing the latest version but there is nothing to click for download. I followed this link.

By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
No download, waiting for fix
By federico_332539 - 3 Years Ago
No download yet :Wow:
By toystorylab - 3 Years Ago
Weird... Download seems to be gone... I downloaded it 2 days ago, there surely was a button. :pinch:
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
There is absolutely no link there. :doze:
The add-on link may have been removed for an update.
By ryan.vincent - 3 Years Ago
Yep... joining the chorus here... tried on three different browsers and no download links on any of them for the Autosetup.
Trying to test this to import character with Aculips for Metahumans to justify the expense of your software to my company. 
My trial ends in a few days so hopefully you will get this fixed quickly...
By Jobutsu - 3 Years Ago
No way to download confirmed.
By bernardadjenughure - 3 Years Ago
Hey guys
Where's the download link?
By 4413Media - 3 Years Ago
No luck either. :ermm:
By jjrob114 - 3 Years Ago
Ditto. No download button.

By 3dtester - 3 Years Ago
Looks like the website devs forgot to include the "download code" in the HTML source of that page 😂
By FabricioAlencar - 3 Years Ago
I also need to download it urgently, but the link is not available.
It would be nice to keep the download in another location as well like on github
By dlamanofilms_20120413113331385 - 3 Years Ago

I have not been able to download it because I cannot see the download link, I hope that it will be placed again soon.
By MTMorrow_ - 3 Years Ago
These updates look fantastic!
Seems like a great effort was made to refine this plugin.
Now we just need an active download link, so people can, you know, use it.:)
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
I have waited a very long time for this plugin to be updated.
If there is a problem with the plugin, give them some more time to fix it.
I can wait a little longer, as long as the plugin is perfect :)
By Fionn (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Dear all CC4-UE5 AutoSetup plugin users,

Many thanks for pointing this issue out. We sincerely apologize for the confusion and inconvenience it might have caused. 
The webpage with Download Link is already online now. Please visit the page for Free Download.  https://www.reallusion.com/auto-setup/unreal-engine/default.html


Thank you very much for your patience.
Enjoy the new update :)

By Jeasy - 3 Years Ago
Thank you Fionn
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
I did a few tests.

1- The physics of the hair is fine, I did not have any problems.
2- The skin quality looks good, I haven't had any problems yet. More testing is needed.
3- The shading of the hair is not perfect, but it is quite good compared to the past.
4- Physics on clothes works just fine.
However, if you do not have the opportunity to hide the character webs in the dress, you need to increase the collision thickness.

Camila and her dress work just fine without hiding the net.
However, 5-6 dresses I tried had serious collision problems.
I've had bad results for shorter dresses.
Because if you hide the mesh, a bad image may occur.

In general, we can use it very comfortably compared to the past.Thanks RL Team.

By Fionn (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Many thanks for the quick testing and very valuable feedback.
I'll report to our tech team to improve current defects for the next updates :) 

yepkoo (7/27/2022)
I did a few tests.

1- The physics of the hair is fine, I did not have any problems.
2- The skin quality looks good, I haven't had any problems yet. More testing is needed.
3- The shading of the hair is not perfect, but it is quite good compared to the past.
4- Physics on clothes works just fine.
However, if you do not have the opportunity to hide the character webs in the dress, you need to increase the collision thickness.

Camila and her dress work just fine without hiding the net.
However, 5-6 dresses I tried had serious collision problems.
I've had bad results for shorter dresses.
Because if you hide the mesh, a bad image may occur.

In general, we can use it very comfortably compared to the past.Thanks RL Team.

By martin.mejzlik - 3 Years Ago
Guys, anybody, for the love of god, could someone please upload the autosetup 1.24 file somewhere where you can actually download it? I can't believe I have to ask this here but the website does not have the link.. again
By toystorylab - 3 Years Ago
martin.mejzlik (8/2/2022)
Guys, anybody, for the love of god, could someone please upload the autosetup 1.24 file somewhere where you can actually download it? I can't believe I have to ask this here but the website does not have the link.. again

By martin.mejzlik - 3 Years Ago
bless you, sir! :)
By SCE - 3 Years Ago
As Yepkoo said, this Auto Setup is a massive improvement over past versions, which required manual setup that took time. Thanks and congratulations to the team.
By JahniB - 3 Years Ago
I downloaded Auto Setup 1.24 for Unreal Engine 5. It doesn't show up in my opened UE5 Project, and it doesn't show up in Plugins, within the project either. 

I copied both the CC Shaders>to the project, & the Plugins>
Content. Then I tried to open the project in UE5 and I get an error message that says: "Missing ProjectName Modules The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: RLPlugin Would you like to rebuild them now?"
I say yes and I get " Error ProjectName could not be complied.Try rebuilding from source manually." <I don't know what that means.

I also tried adding the project name to: "RLPlugin.Build.cs" as: (CCtoUErosie, SEE BELOW "+++", look at the last line)
No luck getting the CC plugin to show up this way either. Am I making the correct moves? I'm not use to writing code and am unsure if I am inputting the project name correctly and in the correct place.

Thank you to anyone who might be able to support me on this. Go easy on me, it's all new to me. 

public class RLPlugin : ModuleRules
    public RLPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
        //bUsePrecompiled = true;
            new string[] {
                // ... CCtoUErosie ...

By StyleMarshal - 3 Years Ago
You did it wrong !
CC_Shaders into Content Folder and the Plugin Folder into the project folder and not vice versa.
By JahniB - 3 Years Ago
Oh Sorry, I did it correctly but wrote the post wrong, So sorry. I double checked it, still not showing up in UE5. On day four of my attempt. Thanks for trying. Any other ideas? 
By StyleMarshal - 3 Years Ago
watch at 1.30min:

By playlogic - 3 Years Ago
Seems 1.24 still cause a "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" when importing and processing normal maps with NVLINK'd GPUs. Currently only happens when the normal maps
are processed via the Autosetup Plugin; does not happen on in a vanilla project "sans" the plugin allowing characters CC4 characters to be import without autosetup.
By harry.zhang19930619 - 3 Years Ago
for me , everything is working good except my character's face motion like 'jaw open' (mouth kept closed while jaw seems open inside which cause a totally different pose compare to cc4 inside) / 'mouth open' and those involve teeth is not working good, the teeth seems never opened……
anyone have met this too?https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/e1c48bc1-4abb-47a8-823b-6b1f.png
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
Dear RL team.
Thank you to all the team who contributed to the development of this plugin.
It really started to work perfectly compared to the past and now I'm starting to enjoy it.

We have only one problem left, which I did not receive any response despite writing several times
We need automatic rig file creation of imported characters
The character pose is not so important, it can stay the same, we can manually adjust the pose ourselves, but retargeting takes 30-40 minutes for each character.

This is a really huge need and an absolutely necessary feature.
Even the simple Vroid program automatically creates the rig file when you import the character, and it only took me 30 seconds to use this character with UE animations.

A lot of people will be relieved if you give a positive response to this issue.

If you can take a look at the video below, you can understand the convenience that the automatic rig file will provide us.

I also think this would be a comfort within the RL team.CC4, iClone, AccuRig, Actor Core.
All will become available with automatic rig file.

If there is no rig file, at least the characters exported as UE from all your systems should be compatible with the UE4 skeleton.
As in AccuRig, any character exported with CC4 does not work properly with the UE4 skeleton.

Thank you

By ripper120767 - 2 Years Ago
Achieved a connection from iClone8 to Unreal Engine 5.1.1.
There are no tutorials on how to do this, there are, but they are outdated, and if you do them, then nothing worked.
By F O R W A R D - 2 Years Ago
ripper120767 (2/18/2023)
Achieved a connection from iClone8 to Unreal Engine 5.1.1.
There are no tutorials on how to do this, there are, but they are outdated, and if you do them, then nothing worked.

So... how?
By Ascensi - Last Year
I had the auto setup working fine for a bit, then had to remove/delete the project folder and start over copying the files and only the live link icon and plugin in settings show but nothing to do with the auto setup.  I see that I missed the correct procedure to remove the files.  In one of the video tutorials, Kai mentions that when creating a new project "raytrace" should be enabled so the plugin is detected. The written instructions, toggling on Raytrace isn't mentioned but regardless, it didn't fix the problem. Anyone know how I can resolve this? Using both UE5.3 and the latest plugin.