I have played with Omniverse for about 6 months or more now, and I love it, although it is a work in progress.
I find some things to be harder, but others to be way better.
A few tips I learned / things I like about it
1. Export CC characters in real time. The eyes don't make it to path traced last time I checked.
2. Movement is the same as IClone - W = move, E = rotate and R = scale. Difference is to duplicate you select a prop and hit Control + D for Omniverse versus hold down the W key when moving in IClone.
3. Things like materials can be animated, so you can give a swimming pool or river / lake a bit of movement
4. All the free NVidia assets and demo scenes.
5. Sketch Fab assets are not as nice as Nvidia's, but free is my favorite price so you can pull in a lot of assets.
Do you need it? no. Are there cool extensions? Yes.
Here is 1 I was able to figure out. If I can do it, anyone can.
I wish IClone has something like Blast.
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