Hi. I posted this before but now I can't find it. If someone deleted it because it already has an answer or something, it'd be great to be told that and shown where that answer is. Otherwise, I'm posting again because I still need help here.
Please tell me why my character is shooting back and forth, and why the dotted path is behind her and opposite the actual path. I'm starting her where she actually begins when I import her, but for some reason it keeps wanting to throw her backwards then throw her to the end of the path. I need her to just walk from the beginning of the path to the end, but this seems to be too difficult for iClone to do.
Here's a screenshot of what I mean:
57% of original size (was 883x508) - Click to enlarge
Thank you, and if you feel this needs to be deleted, please tell me why and point me to where I can find help with this, since I have looked extensively and haven't found anything about it so far.