jsinger (5/23/2020)
I bought some FBX mocap files from
https://www.motekentertainment.com/product-category/african-dance/I opened several in 3Dxchange 7 and applied each to iClone 7
They came into iClone 7 as props with a motion embedded which can be added to the Custom Props folder.
I want to extract/convert the embedded animations into .iMotion files that can be used on other characters instead of props.
I won't tell you how many hours I tried to do this with the help of Google & YouTube but I could not find any documentation specific to 3Dxchange 7 and iClone 7.
Motek Entertainment provided no documentation whatsoever and only indicated that their mocap files were all in FBX format.
I tried many permutations of export, import, conversion in 3Dxchange and iClone but none worked.
Are there any sources which give a step by step solution?
I assume those motions are part of a character? It will come in as prop after which you have to convert it to a non-standard human character.
So I decided to spend $1.49 to figure out what kind of rig it was and you are in luck.
1. Once the character with the motions is loaded in 3DXchange, select "Convert to Non-Standard" in the Modify panel under Character.
2. Characterization Profile panel will open.
3. From Presets, select "Maya Human-IK". The bones will be mapped.
4. Check "Active", and then click Convert.
76% of original size (was 662x19) - Click to enlarge
You can now export the desired motion to iClone. In the Export dialog uncheck Export Geometry and check Export Animation. I always save first rather than using Apply to iClone.
You will find more in the online manual: