Hi everybody,
I'm a long time animator but I'm completely new to using Cartoon Animator, and I just want to add how important I think it is to improve the vector support in CA.
I use Moho Pro to animate 2D cartoon segments for multiple TV shows on Netflix. Most notable is Boss Baby: Back In Business because, in addition to rigging and animating the characters inside Moho, we completely drew the characters using its native vector tools, We do use bitmap art (notably in the shows The Croods, Puss In Boots and King Julien,) but using vector art in Boss gave us a lot more flexibility (literally!) to make our puppet animations appear more 'traditionally' drawn. (We also use Harmony, Animate, and After Effects, but our team prefers using Moho for this type of animation.)
That said, even though we've had great success with this workflow, we're always looking for ways to speed up the rigging process and better ways to re-purpose our rigs and artwork. From what I've seen so far, Cartoon Animator's rigging tools (mainly in demo videos,) looks very promising but I'm surprised to find little support for vector art. I don't wish to comment negatively because I've only just started learning CA/Pipeline (and obviously I have a lot to learn) but I'm hopeful vector art is an area that will receive more love in the future.
Anyway, I'll probably have a lot of questions for more knowledgeable and experienced CA users here, and I hope I'll eventually be able to contribute something useful to the discussions.
D.R. Greenlaw, Artist/Partner - Little Green Dog
My 2nd 'DreamWorks Animation' Reel (2020) | My 'DreamWorks Animation' Reel (2017) | My 'The Asylum' Reel (2015)