In the same spirit of the "
Exposure With False Colors" post and if you have watched the video "
The Secret Ingredient to Photorealism", you should now understand that it is important to get that desaturation effect in the highlighted parts of your images to avoid unnatural over saturation and color shifting as we see too often in iClone rendered images. That is, if like me, you are after PBRish / plausible realistic renderings.
There is a way to simulate that in iClone even if there is no Tone Mapping, by creating a special LUT that you can use in the Visual -> Effect -> Post-Effect section of iClone.
You will find attached to this post a iEffect (that already contains the False_Color LUT) with the Highlight_Desaturation LUT. I created it with a pretty violent effect so you can reduce it by using the "Effect Contribution" parameter slider. You can also create your own LUT with a different "ramp", I encourage you to experiment.
The results are pretty interresting. Here without desaturation:
75% of original size (was 673x19) - Click to enlarge
Here with full desaturation:
75% of original size (was 673x19) - Click to enlarge
Indeed, it feels more natural to me.
Note that in the iEffect I've set the Highlight_Desaturation LUT before the False_Color one because when you desaturate a color a burnt color channel may get a lower value and then not be burnt after being desaturated, and you must see that with the false colors in order to properly adjust your exposure.
"N.O.E." (Nations Of Earth) Sci-Fi TV Show, Showrunner.