patrick.gerard (12/21/2015)
I would say skip side fitting and do it manually for the time being. It always comes out deformed when I try it and my suspicion is that slight angle variation or photos of different scales mess it up. If I'm doing a celebrity face the way one typically does a CT face, I'm not going to match the scale and vertical alignment of the two photos typically and you can do much more refined work within Character Creator if you have the patience and plan to take it further.
I figured I'll show you the full process. Here is a base image of Donald Trump.
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
Here is my Donald Trump in Crazytalk (no necktie because the installer for people who bought Party Fun early still doesn't install to CT8, hair is backwards because I have no means of inverting it at this point):
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
I then import into Character Creator. All options are set for high quality textures. Make sure your CC character is selected. Also make sure you have both chosen the default morph and clicked "reset" on the head as the true default is only achieved at this point and CC will otherwise go for a hybrid of the two morphs.
To reacquire the hair in CC, I had to manually import the matching hairstyle from iClone as a head accessory because it isn't recognized as a hairstyle. (I think it's the "suave/charming" hair). I have to replace the eyes because of a bug.
Dress Up Showtime doesn't install anything to iClone or CC so while I DO have Party Fun neckties there, I have no shirts they clip onto.
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
So we'll compromise and go with an open shirt (like Mason's) before we go into iClone:
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
Now, you can recover some of the original look by giving Donald's skin self-illumination.
I set self-illumination on skin for body and head each to 75:
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
And for fun, here's Trump in Indigo, one minute render, around 35 samples per pixel:
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
There is some likeness degradation at each step although I think Indigo manages to restore some realism to it. Now, something to keep in mind about CT8 is that it inherits some of its base features including head size from the previous actor. So if you start with Sammy the Ogre, you get a bigger starting head and some room for a more Pixar-like effect.
I went through all of these steps starting with Sammy in place when I created a Trump avatar with the same photo and wound up with this (different hairstyle) as my "Pixar Trump" style take in iClone/Indigo.
77% of original size (was 656x19) - Click to enlarge
So I'd be more inclined as an iClone user to think of CT8 as a sketching tool (and a decent one for cartoon/caricature) than as a likeness solution. Plan on iterating whatever you do in each step and be prepared for an outcome that deviates and I think you have an interesting character generation tool at least.
I appreciate this post, because I was considering getting CT8 as I seriously need a Trump character, and this kind of shows me that I should probably hold off on this endeavor, at least for now.
You made the face look great in CT8, but the way the software imports the character into CC/iClone loses a lot of detail (not your fault) and won't serve the realism I'm going for.
I guess I'll either have to buy a model from a third party product (of which only one good one exists at the moment, and it costs.............$399.00 for the model, and it's not rigged), or..............just meticulously try to shape and sculpt my own Donald character in Character Creator by finding the right "head" in the RL 100 pack, and then shaping it to look like him.
Or I guess just make him as a G5 character and use his image? Or will that just look the same way as it did in the finished version above?
My iClone short films: