CC 2.0 Beta Sketchfab Uploader SettingsUploading to Sketchfab requires FBX export, therefore make sure to have 3DXchange 6 Pipeline installed then follow the setup instructions below:
Click the

icon from the toolbar to expand the window of "Upload to Sketchfab".

[A] Max Texture SizeSelect the desired texture resolution.
Note: If you are a Basic member, we recommend using 512x512, anything larger may surpass your 50 mb upload limit.
[B] Include Motion
Check to enable the inclusion of iMotions.
[C] Add Motion Tracks
This button will open a browser for selecting iMotion files.
[D] List of Motion Tracks
Here you can inspect the added motions and change the name of each motion if necessary.
Note: Files with the same names can be added, if one accidentally added a file of the same origin then a warning message will appear.
[E] Delete Motion Clip
Use this to remove individual motion clips.
[F] Load Motion Clip
Use this to replace the current motion clip.
[G] Clear All TracksUse this to wipe the entire list of loaded motion clips.
[H] File Information
Here you can give the Sketchfab file a title and description tags.
Note: Add a space multiple tag entries.
[I] Sketchfab Account
Past the Sketchfab API Token here copied from the previous section.
Note: the API Token will be remembered by future sessions of Character Creator.