Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Character Creator works with most 3rd party application. Internally we have tested for basic compatibility with Cinema 4D but we hope to have more in-depth analysis from the user base. Please post your methods and findings here for the community as a whole. Thank you all for your contribution! :) Workflow from Brisk FX1. Rotated CC Base Bone Root to put the model in a Y UP position. 2. Exported FBX 7.4 (2014) with Normals, Textures/Materials, Embed Textures. 3. Followed the CC Asset Developer PDF steps after that.
Space 3D
Space 3D
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hai miranda , Please make tutorial " Workflow iClone 6.5 Pro , Character Creator 1.5 and Cinema 4D . Cinema 4D user need sharing about " make cloth for character creator. Thank's
Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Space 3D (8/10/2016) Hai miranda , Please make tutorial " Workflow iClone 6.5 Pro , Character Creator 1.5 and Cinema 4D . Cinema 4D user need sharing about " make cloth for character creator. Thank's
Hi Space 3D, yes, we are collecting Cinema 4D tutorials, but have no specific schedule yet. :(
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi, I spendt all day trying to figure out the correct workflow for exporting fbx from iclone cc, importing in cinema4d for creating accessories or clothing and then importing it back to iclone cc, but i came to nothing.. I tried the standard procedure exporting from iclone, importing to cinema and then exporting back to iclone without success I tried to follow the workflow from Brisk Fx but without success.I also tried to start from the Body Templates (Lightwave & Cinema 4D), downloaded at strange thing is that when i try to import in iclone cc the Body Templates (Lightwave & Cinema 4D) without even passing through cinema4d this is the result i get: when i try to import the bodytemplate (Lightwave & Cinema 4D) in cinema and I export the fbx [i tried kind of all version of fbx (for sure fbx 2012/2014 and 2016) and i export normal and texture/material, embed textures as suggested by brisk fx] and import back in iclone cc this is what i get (even if I actually make no adjustments in cinema), same kind of deformation + no textures at all
it will be great having some kind of very precise indication about how to use the body template in cinema 4d and how to export fbx from cinema without having this kind of weird results. any help? i'm working with cinema 4d r17
Space 3D
Space 3D
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hai friends Workflow Cinema 4D with Character Creator is needed evaluated . I bring fbx and edit weight paint on Cinema 4D R 15 ------------> then import Fbx to Character Creator . Result is broken . But with Blender Fbx import to Character Creator -------------> Everithing is OK . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit Space 3D Gallery -
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How anoying. Maya 17 also seems broken.But nobody cares about it.
------------------------------------------------------------------- liebe Grüße vidi
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Hello everybody !I speak no english but am very interested in this post, because I myself with Cinema 4d create my character. I use the following export settings and have no problems with it.
75% of original size (was 667x19) - Click to enlarge
Mit freundlichem Grüssle vom Kaiserstuhl : Silveradler
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Sieht echt Klasse. Sehr realistisch. Wie animierst du ihn/sie?
"Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?" ---------------------------------------- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 32 GB RAM NVidea GTX 970 ------ iClone; 3DXchange, Charakter Creator, Substance Designer, SketchUP, Sculptris Photoshop, Magix Video deluxe Premium und Samplitude, DAZ3D
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then import Fbx to Character Creator
We write about a issue with import to Character Creator in German >> Hi Silver der Import von CC Kleidern zum Creator ist gemeint und kein normaler FBX Import über 3D xchange
------------------------------------------------------------------- liebe Grüße vidi
Space 3D
Space 3D
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Vidi ... Same with me about import Fbx file to Character Creator. ( import Fbx file from Maya 17 and Cinema 4D R 15 ) Cinema 4D R 15 Fbx export ------------> deference axis with Character Creator ( X Y Z model ) What about Maya user , i did not use Maya 17 . I use Maya 2013 Sorry ... i can not speak german . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit Space 3D Gallery -