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Reallusion Character Design - Geoffrey J.

Posted By AdventDestiny 9 Years Ago
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Reallusion Character Design - Geoffrey J.

Posted 9 Years Ago
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rampa (7/31/2016)
This is looking really nice! I need to get my forum page set up over at Polycount, and start posting some ideas.

I feel kind of odd now, because I had also chosen to do a mermaid type character. I think mine is going in a bit different direction though. So I think we'll be able to benefit each other's work. Smile

My "look" will be much less streamlined. More reef than open ocean, I guess.

Well, good luck on your creation! Hearing that, I don't think you'll have much to worry about overlap, my Siren is aimed to be more like an amphibious raptor, using beauty and charms to get close to her prey.
Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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This is a Good Find Mythcons, always wanted to try the auto rigger but couldn't find it again. :)

Mythcons (7/30/2016)
AdventDestiny (7/30/2016)
I didn't know there was any other way of uploading models besides Fuse?

Hey there. Go to this website:


You will need an Adobe account to use it, but its free. The auto rigger is VERY easy to use. You just place circles on the appropriate spots of your model. In addition, the exported model (FBX) can be imported and used in iClone. (This example has no texture, but you can upload a ZIP with your texture files in it).

75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/b88079aa-9661-45c8-a858-1452.jpg

(BTW: I don't mean to hijack your thread. If you need any assistance, just PM me.)

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Posted 9 Years Ago
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sw00000p (8/1/2016)
AdventDestiny (7/30/2016)
..I began work with an initial model in ZBrush.
...Because of the asymmetry of the drawings, the armature doesn't fit perfectly, which is ultimately alright for me, as like I said, I'm pretty good at eyeballing the proper proportions with or without reference.

You asked for opinions.... Don't get mad.... just a suggestion.

Eyeballing builds a Half-AZ  Skill-Set.
In CGI, your result is determined by the effort put into it.

Not to nitpick your critique, but... being able to sculpt, draw, and adapt to asymmetry should be encouraged, since symmetry is a program feature, not a skill set. Being able to adapt to a reference that isn't exactly symmetrical is the sign of a true artist. And if you look at his sculpt (not the reference) it is perfectly symmetrical.

High end artists, those with anatomical knowledge, certainly eyeball their projects.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I've started doing some more in-depth development of my siren character. For this character, I want to push the biological plausibility of the design as far as possible, though I also have to accept that at my current skill level I will probably have to portray her in a stylized manner, preferably more akin to a 'stylized reality'. Already I realize that in order to keep her attractive, I need to keep her face and body very human, and try and incorporate inhuman qualities until I reach the point where she looks too weird to be appealing.

For the siren, her design will be inspired mostly by exotic and colorful fish, amphibians, and reptiles. I gathered some reference picks on Pinterest, and found that the most appealing and unique creatures are these exotic fish, I believe there called Japanese Fighting Fish, [can't really remember the name, but I know that the males engage in violent duels where they try and chew each other's fins off]. I also want to incorporate bird and cat like attributes to her personality and mannerisms.

75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e9/d4/59/e9d45992dab5a42b74b090a4fea2de88.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/da/1f/f6/da1ff696e1296a46ed4f36ce19c18e85.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f6/fe/fc/f6fefc7c314c14335867717dc9eaf690.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e4/17/c3/e417c3f02a7d3486b3fa0311a49e5465.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/01/d1/9f/01d19fe2edf09089c8c8ac1927903e7a.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/13/1d/f0/131df0ad701a73cd6737b39fe39cf9e1.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8f/4a/d1/8f4ad1bddd882ed6b0a7eac10894a1d1.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ca/9b/fe/ca9bfee664825e8013dd2f88d46e9a20.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ff/95/bc/ff95bcc552416fe645b9238333a8ea32.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e9/a1/c7/e9a1c73e7577282985c199846c79eb75.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/46/e0/ac/46e0ac7bacec5ab8117dfac06b68535e.jpg

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Take two of my siren design, this time using a customized Fuse model. I did my best to match the ideal proportions I have in mind for my character.

Original Model:

75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/1c103243-b098-49dc-88d7-e10d.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/8d569b84-baf4-4718-971a-cd9d.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/1c4edb73-3ece-4ff1-941e-3b70.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/97ffdff2-f5c5-4e61-ac7c-ba35.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/68acca3a-4125-4e4d-81db-0981.jpg

Customized Model:

75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/82198274-443d-4616-b0c4-e9bd.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/54d62822-5cb6-4c46-8de4-bbc6.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/613fe295-b2a2-492e-b26e-530d.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/847613a4-5db1-4a75-a185-a760.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/38eeb73c-3cc3-4dff-bada-c857.jpg
I then moved the mesh into ZBrush, where today I focused on sculpting on the face, trying to increase the inhuman features that I began in the Fuse model [all I really did was stretch the back of the skull out a little].


75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/64267e42-6215-4912-816b-dc38.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/d0ea23a5-b3f7-469a-89ac-43fc.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/b4211203-ce37-408b-a4ee-d331.jpg


75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/8071a2f6-4468-4d2f-82d9-c3dd.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/72fb8c35-fc61-459a-b388-233f.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/0bf43f14-ac4b-4845-9b5e-90fe.jpg
This time I'm much happier with the features in this model. I did my best to channel my inner Face Off artist when doing this, focusing on trying to simply apply more digital clay on the features already there, to give her the feel of a real person in prosthetic make-up. I think I still need to work on the transition between the nose and cheek regions, but aside from that, the only thing I really feel needs to be improved is her eyes, which I want a little bigger. I have to figure out what to do with those flat lashes though, they're some sort of remnant from importing the mesh from Fuse as an OBJ. file.

Space 3D
Space 3D
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Hai friends ......
Look nice modelling.
Look like " Scifi Tema "

Nice day ........ happy modelling
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Thanks! Good luck on your own work.
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I tried doing some sketches for the siren, but I just wasn't feeling inspired, so I switched to working in ZBrush, and continued to sculpt on the second model I imported from Fuse, but resculpting the eyes were really bugging me [those damned primitive eyelashes!] So I decided to make a third model, starting completely from scratch using a preset Dynamesh sphere, then switching a multiple subdivision levels once I was happy with the core shape. Throughout the process I worked using the Standard, Clay Brush, Move Elastic, Move Topological, Crease [a custom brush available from badking.com], and Inflate in reverse, with a little masking to help stretch the neck out.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/c44bd303-605f-440a-995a-ff82.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/a857526a-cb11-4b45-b899-b3d1.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/1d347567-26c0-4215-b7a5-88fa.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/f1c4ff60-b327-497d-b573-6189.jpg
I have to say, right now I'm pretty happy with this, mind you this is just an experimental sketch, a testament to ZBrush's amazing ability to allow an artist to quickly envision a concept where a two dimensional drawing just won't cut it. I may consider taking a preset model body, then graft this head onto it, if I decide to fully complete this design. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling a bit more inspired.
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No drawings or sketches today, but lots of references! I began thinking on the various non-human details I wanted to incorporate into the Siren's appearance and personality, creating a massive list of creatures that I streamlined into 14 different creatures, not including the central human template.

Piranha: The first thing I went straight for were the sharp teeth, so eerily arranged in a human like manner in their jaw. While looking on Pinterest for reference images, I came across a picture of the skeleton, and found they have this real cool looking head fin that's normally concealed under the skin, which to me looks like the perfect template for the head fin I wanted to include on her head.

75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ec/06/9a/ec069ac6fd3bc7d500d00a3f7230813e.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/64/55/49/645549515448d248a8109103e57189f8.jpg

Rainbow Boa: I was planning on using snake like scales [very liberally] for the skin texture, and then I came across this snake, which has an incredible iridescence that gives it a rainbow sheen, and I new I had to at least try and incorporate that into her design!
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/74/63/64/74636421cd3aa7412327712e5768d2d5.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ff/2a/60/ff2a607298cb575077638cca1809aa53.jpg

Bengal Tiger: For both the general hunting technique, attacking by leaping and grasping with powerful claws, and also the stripe pattern, which to me strongly indicates a predatory nature, the colors will be more diverse and brighter than a tiger's.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/51/08/a7/5108a7cac91be5bdc44414bf3bd0d20d.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5e/c1/86/5ec1861e1cf74e1a5bb83691786991d1.jpg

Gray Wolf: I chose the gray wolf more for the pack mentality and hierarchy that a group of sirens would use [yes, there are more than one sirens, though how many may appear in my planned project is up to debate], but I also found this cool image that has such an intelligent yet wild look that I'd love to capture in the siren's visage.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cf/a7/76/cfa776dd9b6652eb2c1e80e2d4582c86.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/cb/57/99cb5707568a14726655913ce21bd997.jpg

Stoat: A strange choice, but worst case scenario, if I can't make my siren sexy, at the very least I hope to make her cute, and the stoat is probably the most adorable predator you'll ever see. In fact I've seen them around the farm where I live, for a while there I was worried for the safety of the chickens after learning stoats frequently attack animals several times their size.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d7/94/7e/d7947e4b9dbf1e53be36387e0f78e6ba.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/5b/7c/aa5b7ccf0a8d7c07defab7dc360cd0dd.jpg

Leopard Seal: One of the fiercest and most deadly seals on Earth, they are also one of the coolest, with a sleek design and a head that looks like a mix between a dog and a dinosaur! They also have one Hell of a bite, thanks to their strong jaws and three pronged teeth, the former between the main element referenced along with the generally sleekness for swimming.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/11/bb/a8/11bba8e5dd084607a40e19c8e341b773.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ef/53/bc/ef53bc408c6633c316e091af0b82697d.jpg

Poison Dart Frog: Obviously I want the siren to be something that is beautiful but dangerous, and in nature bright colors are almost universally associated with toxic danger. The poison dart frog is practically the symbol of this principle, and I wanted to try and capture the contrasting color, and blend them with the striped and spotted patterns from the Bengal tiger and leopard seal.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c8/d2/42/c8d242112baa1c3a5d68238221b41bf4.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a2/cd/e0/a2cde0a64fc3d269994812db390bd0e3.jpg

Black Mamba: The fastest and nearly most venomous snakes in the world, the main attribute I wanted to capture is the unusual color of the mouth. While I'm not planning on the inside of her mouth being black, I am planning on a color different from red that would stand out against whatever colors her body ends up. [Interesting how seemingly unassuming and docile the black mamba looks like when its mouth is closed, isn't it?]
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/01/a4/26/01a42667f1c9b26e961540241ddee18f.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/56/e8/76/56e876ef7ee9d6f2e23c0a63fbac47f3.jpg

Great White Shark: What on Earth could I take from something so massive as a great white shark? Well, turns out they have very unique talent that would help give my siren a extra level of intimidation, in the form of a jaw capable of partially distending outside of the skull, giving the shark greater reach for the jaw, allowing it to take an even bigger bite out of its prey. I really wanted to do something that would allow my siren to look beautiful one moment, than horrifying the next, without having to resort to morphing her face, but rather having a natural physical trait that seamlessly chances the appearance when needed.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e4/b7/54/e4b754d89d08bdef40f317fd905a8459.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a1/01/b4/a101b472744dfd1cdc7f72eb176ed9ec.jpg

Crested Newt: I was looking around for a creature besides a fish with a form of a fin on its back, and I then remembered the crested newt, a salamander with a spectacular ridge along its back that, while not exactly what I'm looking for, is a good enough template to start off with. Other elements of the newt's appearance will probably be used, after all it is an amphibian, which is essentially what the siren is, just more built for living in salt water.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4e/75/e5/4e75e507abeb0f91f39f530479565bf1.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0a/9e/1a/0a9e1a640ae5c0592d4b98edf58c0b8f.jpg

Siamese Fighting Fish: I already posted some images of this fish [found the name for them finally!], and now the elements I plan on focusing on is the colorful and flowing fins, for the sirens "hair" and fins. The siren is hairless, but she has flowing hair formed from a modified set of fins or fibers, not sure exactly how to pull them off yet. The fins on the back, head, and arms will be stiffer and retractable.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/84/c4/9984c41d82562333ae5083434d87d71c.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ee/3b/31/ee3b316852c4df66ccf4454c11be7cbf.jpg

Domestic Cat: Always there was going to be a feline element, mostly intended in her mannerisms and the fact that she likes to play with her intended victims before actually getting to the killing them part. I also decided that the eyes of a cat are perfect to reflect the dual nature of the playful beauty and lurking predator.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d2/01/14/d2011461ada8d727e562f6e06dca0fd1.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/59/f7/64/59f764a6fa31e412560d6bc63401ed85.jpg

Dromaeosaurs [raptors]: Probably the trickiest to include, after all its an animal that's been extinct for millions of years. Ultimately I decided I needed a bipedal predator to reference for the actual stance and primary movements of the siren, since I realized that modeling her movements off of any other animal exclusively wouldn't work, the anatomy just wouldn't permit it. This first pick in particular is what I consider the way she moves, especially once all pretense is abandoned and she's stalking her prey. I also plan to incorporate movements and vocalizations of birds, obviously because they're the only real living analog for a dinosaur, plus the whole siren myth always associated the sirens with birds, so I need to reference that somewhere in her design [I also like the idea that the fins on her arms resemble the feathers we always see on velociraptors these days in art].
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e6/75/1e/e6751ef141d076d901a15b8aca62385a.jpg75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3e/01/a7/3e01a7c2eda0ed3921e5c95518ba233e.jpg

All in all, I without a doubt have plenty of inspiration now for the final design of the siren, I just need to get off my ass and actually do it! Still, I'm very excited to see what she will finally look like when I'm done.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Took the better part of a couple days, but managed to put together a front and side profile for my siren, I've also updated my list of animal references, which I've labeled in this drawing... somewhat clumsily, I admit!

For the most part I stuck to the original design I did for the 30 Day Monster Girl Challenge [twice], but modified somewhat to humanize her some more. I purposely left one side of her head bald to illustrate her skull structure, while making the hair on the side of her hair see through. I settled on giving her a petite physique, but not so slim to appear emaciated.
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlargehttp://pre08.deviantart.net/ed1b/th/pre/i/2016/220/e/8/siren__reallusion_3d_character_design_contest_by_adventdestiny-dad63xh.jpg
1. Stonefish: The structure of the fins on her head and back, as well as the venomous spines concealed within them.
2. Siamese Fighting Fish: The flowing fins that make up her "hair".
3. Stoat: The large round eyes that gives a distinctly adorable appearance.
4. Leopard Seal: The nostrils, which can be closed when underwater. Also her general swimming technique.
5. Piranha: Her teeth, plus the general aggression.
6. Great White Shark: The ability to partially project her jaws outside of her skull. Also influenced the contrasting light front and darker back.
7. Gray Wolf: Mostly for the pack mentality of the siren species in general.
8. Bengal Tiger: A combination of the retractable claws on her hands and the general stripe pattern [somewhat exaggerated].
9. Poison Dart Frog: The bright colors of that warn of toxic danger.
10. Crested Newt: The general build of the head and back fins, though its more based on a fish's fin. These fins can be retracted.
11. Chameleon: The colors on the fins themselves, which change color based on her mood and intent.
12. Rainbow Boa: The general scale patterns, as well as the amazing iridescence of the scales.
13. Black Mamba: The colored inside of the mouth, and its speed.
14. Exotic Birds: The sounds they make, beautiful and diverse.
15. Domestic Cat: Partly for the eyes that can shift from rounded to a slit, but mostly for the general mannerisms of a predator that likes to play with its prey.
16. Dromeosaurus [Raptor]: For the foot structure and the general movement patterns while hunting or chasing their prey.

Assuming that I finally get a hold of the special trial for Reallusion's iClone 6 and Character Creator this week, I can begin creating a custom human morph modeled off of this, than start sculpting it in ZBrush to enhance the features. I'll probably have to do some additional research on how to do the more exotic features, mainly the flexibility of the fins and her ability to stretch her mouth open wider as her jaws pop out of her skull, may have to use Blender for that, and pray their educational resources can get me started quickly.

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