Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am including a list of all the videos in this course for you to check. Having looked at your screen grab it looks like the course is incomplete regardless of the annoying duplicates but it would be good to confirm this if you have the time. I have checked the delivery folder on the server that Reallusion has access to and I can find no issues with the contents In fact the list that you see here is a listing of that very folder. My best guess is an error was made when Reallusion packaged up the contents of that folder for delivery but I cannot state that for a fact as I do not work directly for RL so did not play a part in the packaging and marketing.
Having said that it is a big error for which I apologise. I have notified Reallusion and asked them to not only check the delivery but also to get back to me when it is fixed so that I can make sure everyone is aware that it has been dealt with.
In the interim here is the list of videos that should be there for the F104 course:
104-01.01 Introduction To The Course Tutor.mp4
104-01.02 Introduction To iClone 6.mp4
104-01.03 Introduction To The iClone 6 Fundamentals Courses.mp4
104-01.04 Introduction To Fundamentals 104-Light & Render.mp4
104-01.05 Addendum - Version changes to interface.mp4
104-02.01 System requirements.mp4
104-02.02 Assets and folder structure.mp4
104-02.03 Installing the course assets.mp4
104-03.01 Chapter Introduction.mp4
104-03.02 Where to find lighting tools.mp4
104-03.03 The Directional Light - Pt 1-Basics.mp4
104-03.04 The Directional Light - Pt 2-Controls.mp4
104-03.05 The Spotlight - Pt 1-Basics.mp4
104-03.06 The Spotlight - Pt 2-Parameters.mp4
104-03.07 The Spotlight - Pt 3-The Look At controller.mp4
104-03.08 The Spotlight - Pt 4-The Attach controller.mp4
104-03.09 The Spotlight - Pt 5-The Path controller.mp4
104-03.10 The Point Light.mp4
104-03.11 Duplicating lights - Pt 1-The technique.mp4
104-03.12 Duplicating lights - Pt 2-Differences between light types.mp4
104-03.13 The Sky Tool - Pt 1-Cloud & Shadow control.mp4
104-03.14 The Sky Tool - Pt 2-Celestial effects.mp4
104-03.15 The Sky Tool - Pt 3-Animation tools.mp4
104-03.16 The Light Tool - Pt 1-Basics.mp4
104-03.17 The Light Tool - Pt 2-Animation tools.mp4
104-03.18 The Light Tool - Pt 3-Duplicating lights.mp4
104-03.19 Ambient Lighting.mp4
104-03.20 IBL Lighting - Pt 1-Basics.mp4
104-03.21 IBL Lighting - Pt 2-More advanced techniques.mp4
104-04.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-04.02 Dealing with unexpected lighting behaviour.mp4
104-04.03 Finalising Ambient Light and Materials.mp4
104-04.04 Establishing the scene with directional light.mp4
104-04.05 Setting basic lighting with Light Tools.mp4
104-04.06 Adding a Point Light to the Floor Lamp.mp4
104-05.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-05.02 Setting Light Tool properties.mp4
104-05.03 Lighting our actors with Spotlights.mp4
104-05.04 Understanding 3-point lighting.mp4
104-05.05 3-point lighting - Pt 1 using an existing scene light as fill.mp4
104-05.06 3-point lighting - Pt 2 adding a rim light for a moon-lit effect.mp4
104-05.07 3-point lighting - Pt 3 dealing with a character that moves.mp4
104-05.08 Final lighting tweaks.mp4
104-06.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-06.02 Animating light properties.mp4
104-07.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-07.02 Dealing with luminous materials.mp4
104-07.03 Overview of our exterior scene.mp4
104-07.04 Setting the key rim and ambient lights.mp4
104-07.05 Adding a sky backdrop.mp4
104-07.06 Adding image based lighting.mp4
104-07.07 Transforming the image map.mp4
104-07.08 Colour balance and adjustments.mp4
104-07.09 Adding lights for our lead actors - Pt 1- Analysing the scene.mp4
104-07.10 Adding lights for our lead actors - Pt 2- Adjusting the key light.mp4
104-07.11 Adding lights for our lead actors - Pt 3- Adding spotlights.mp4
104-08.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-08.02 Understanding ambient light.mp4
104-08.03 Ambient Occlusion.mp4
104-08.04 Fog.mp4
104-08.05 The HDR effect (High Dynamic Range).mp4
104-09.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-09.02 Understanding Shadow Maps & Settings.mp4
104-09.03 Shadow Maps in use.mp4
104-10.01 Introduction to Render Course.mp4
104-11.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-11.02 The Blur effect.mp4
104-11.03 The Colour Adjustment effect.mp4
104-11.04 The Colour Filter effect.mp4
104-11.05 Combining Post effects.mp4
104-11.06 The Lens Blur effect.mp4
104-11.07 Animating Post effects.mp4
104-12.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-12.02 An overview artistic rendering.mp4
104-12.03 When to use the Toon Shader.mp4
104-12.04 When to use the NPR effect.mp4
104-12.06 Using NPR (Non-Photorealistic Rendering).mp4
104-12.07 Lighting for NPR.mp4
104-13.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-13.02 Image format and aspect ratio.mp4
104-13.03 Preview rendering.mp4
104-13.04 Rendering stills.mp4
104-13.05 Rendering with the Toon Shader.mp4
104-13.06 Rendering image sequences.mp4
104-13.07 Rendering for compositing (png only).mp4
104-14.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-14.02 Exporting audio.mp4
104-14.03 Selecting a video codec.mp4
104-14.04 Rendering a video movie.mp4
104-14.05 Rendering a video with alpha.mp4
104-14.06 Rendering in the Popvideo format.mp4
104-15.01 Chapter introduction.mp4
104-15.02 Choosing a stereoscopic format.mp4
104-15.03 Setting the convergence distance.mp4
104-15.04 Viewing stereoscopic output.mp4
104-16.01 Course Conclusion.mp4
Alan M