dannybrightonline (9/22/2015)
I tried to download a clonebone puppet from the freebies section but it wont transfer. Please tell me where I can purchase the proper clonebone to begin
I've manually moved my old IC4/5 content into my IC6 templates.
So I'm not sure which generation avatar/bones ship with (standard/pro) IC5 or IC6.
CloneBone Zack the winged robot bone (IC4 generation?) came free with IC4/5.
Likely, it came free with IC6 too. IC veterans pls confirm.
In any case, seems to be what you need.
Import your freebie Sketchup robot in OBJ format.
The robot parts need to be imported one by one as "Props".
Then from within iClone, you attach them manually to Zack's bone/rig.
The pic shows Zack's head swapped with a simple iClone 3D prop (bright pink).
Other useful bits:
Zack's bone is compatible with iMotions.
Body part can be resized with Avatar Proportion.
Also has jaw bone so could talk.
Hope that helps.
Good luck.
76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge
>>> Indie Generalist modeler-rigger-animator <<< Hardware: AlienWare i7-HK 32G GTX1080 2T-SSDs BenqSW320 Wacom-Intuous 3Dconnexion ||| Software: IC6 Pipeline - CTA3 Pipeline - ATK2 - Indigo ||| Zbrush4R8. Blender 2.79. DazStudio 4.9. Carrara. Poser. Octane.