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iClone 8.3, 8.31, 8.32 and 8.33 Official Issues Thread

Posted By Peter (RL) Last Year
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Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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munchkinman (8/3/2023)
Device name   WhiteWolf
Processor   12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900H   2.50 GHz
Installed RAM   64.0 GB (63.7 GB usable)
System type   64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch   No pen or touch input is available for this display
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU
Intel R IrisR Xe Graphics

I had no problem with IClone 8.3 prior to this version of 8.31.  I even tried to open my other projects without success.
I have included a screenshot of what iclone8 looks like.
The first screenshot is opening a new project and the second screenshot is just moving the right bar to left and back to right.

Software updates to iClone 8 or CC4 often require that you are using latest graphics drivers. Please check for the latest drivers with Nvidia and update if newer drivers are available.


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Hi Peter,
As Tech support is not able to provide any applications that work, I have requested a full refund from the Support Team [Link Removed By Moderator]  This is a choice that I really did not want to make. and dread the learning curve with new applications.
Last Year by Peter (RL)
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I also have the same problem and the graphics card drive is updated (RTX 3080).
I'm stuck with my job and that's frustrating!

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Whenever you use Motion Modifier it would abruptly twist bones (even without any sliders being moved).
Some animations are affected more that others
I believe it has started a few updates back.

FT 10711: Motion Modifier would deform character badly.

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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zonadiconfine (8/6/2023)
I also have the same problem and the graphics card drive is updated (RTX 3080).
I'm stuck with my job and that's frustrating!



If you are not able to use iClone 8 at all, please can you contact Technical Support using the link below. They will work with you to try and get these problems resolved. Thanks.


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I am having the same issue with iclone 8.3 and character creator after the recent windows update.
i have tried to reinstall the graphics drivers but the problem persists.
I have the latest versions of iclone and character creator as well.
my computer is running on amd 5950x and rtx3090.
please kindly help us resolve this issue.
Last Year by edmark
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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edmark (8/7/2023)
I am having the same issue with iclone 8.3 and character creator after the recent windows update.
i have tried to reinstall the graphics drivers but the problem persists.
I have the latest versions of iclone and character creator as well.
my computer is running on amd 5950x and rtx3090.
please kindly help us resolve this issue.

Unfortunately you are using a Windows Insider Preview version which is not fully supported for use with iClone. As explained on the Windows Insider pages, preview builds may have have bugs and compatibility issues and are not recommended for your main production computer. However, please feel free to contact Support who may have a hotfix available. Alternatively, you may have to wait until the next Windows preview build update for the problem to be resolved.


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At some point in IC8 I have lost the ability to replicate baked morph keys with Ctrl (singled out morph keys are getting replicated just fine with Ctrl).
I could still use Copy/Paste, but it's highly inconvenient.
Unless there is some setting I miss, I consider this a bug and will open an FT ticket later on.
Here is to compare IC7 and IC8:

: Added to FT 10827:

Last Year by 4u2ges
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I noticed I don't seem to be able to adjust foot rotation, be it left or right, using the Curve Editor in 8.31 and subsequently in the latest 8.32 update. All other rotations appear to work, is this bugged? 

Had to revert back to iClone7 to get this job done.
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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iClone 8.33 has been released today. Please update using the Reallusion Hub.

However, if you still have issues after the update, please remember to report them in the Feedback Tracker first and then feel free to discuss here. Thanks.


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