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About Facial Animation Morph Target

Posted By valentin.grandou 5 Years Ago
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We are looking for Character Creation 3 for our character production, but we need to know some specific things about facial expressions possibilities and how morph targets tool allows to make our decision :
So I assume that facial expression morph targets works for any characters you make since they all share the same base mesh. please correct me if I am wrong.
What I need to know is if it is possible to import custom facial EXPRESSION/ANIMATION to fit on very deformed custom morphologies. Let me explain with an example: imagine that I create a werewolf using custom morphology morph target,, I will need to have custom facial animation to match witch the model because there will be too much changes with the base mesh plus add differents needs. Until now I saw custom morph target for body/face shape only.

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Sorry for the bumping, but anyone can help me about that ? I found nothing about it.
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Hi Valentin,

Yes, you're right - facial expression morph targets work for all characters since they share the same mesh. You can edit them via 3DXchange Pipeline:

* with a character loaded in 3DXchange - go to the Face Setup panel on the right hand side - you'll see a list of morphs -  whereby you can select, export and replace existing morphs, as well as add morphs in the event you want to do some custom morphing (you can also add morphs in iClone via the Morph Creator)
* NB, when editing morphs externally - it's vital to maintain the mesh structure (don't add or delete vertices, or subdivide) in order for it to remain morphable - also when replacing a morph - it must be named correctly
* any facial animation morph you replace will then become part of the facial animation you create in iClone - and will work with the various facial animation tools

- hope that helps
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Thanks 3Dtest... good thing that we are able to make our own facial expression to fit every character made with CC3. tanks for your time.

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