Posted 6 Years Ago
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ok, i'm here again with some more wishful features, now is another feature which i would love to see coming for CC3, which is something i do love again in mixamo fuse, fuse come with a very powerfull texture/color system which easy make you customize the things in a very powerfull way, it allow you aplly different types of fabricates in the texure (you can use seamless textures), it have a substance paint material import which allow you to import materials from substance to the fuse and use on your cloths or characters, alos allow you costomize things like "dirt" or rusty, it also allow you to customze the strengt of normal maps, AO and others maps, allow you choose to generate texture from 512 to 4k, i would love to see the CC devs take a look at fuse and make take some of that ideas to CC, cuz when comes to color customization i'm still feeling it a little weak compared with fuse, while again overal CC is much more strong than fuse in others things it feel a little behind.
then let's be pratical i would love to see a improviment where like in fuse and even better you could customize things like dirty, or wet or damaged or rusty in cloths or damaged hurt(in skin) without need go to have to edit already existing textures manually, and being able to export it for the enginers, this could be another very good improviment.
another good improviment could be things like beards, mostach or body hair not come as the original body texture and you can add like eyes and things like that for better customization of body.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Kia ora
I like to see us be able to find the textures for ouir model together, I'm frustrated having the Albedo and Normal one place and all the other maps 10 folders deep some place else. Is there a vaild reason that textuers get put so deep in a folder structure specialy when some folder and the same name as the parent folder
The other thing I find really anoying (make me angry to be honest) is the export textures std_default_01.png std_default_02.png this does NOT help when working on a texture and you need to find the normal map or the albedo map. PLEASE lets get professional and clean this lot up, I'm sorry but this looks like the work of an untrained ham who does NOT know what theyer doing or are just plain lazy, put hours on any work needed to be done sorting to go in engine
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It's been there since version 1. The new version out this summer will be even more powerful.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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If that was for me I'm talking about the exported models textures not the texture inside CC3 going to File export FBX and you get a dump that is time consuming to work with and the std_default_01 style of file name is NOT helpful it doen't she which is arms, legs or body nor does it show Adlbeo, AO or normal, you can't tell what the file std_default_01 is without opening it
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Kiwi-Hawk (2/22/2019) If that was for me I'm talking about the exported models textures not the texture inside CC3 going to File export FBX and you get a dump that is time consuming to work with and the std_default_01 style of file name is NOT helpful it doen't she which is arms, legs or body nor does it show Adlbeo, AO or normal, you can't tell what the file std_default_01 is without opening it
I know what you're saying, it's a pain to search for the maps in all the separated folders. I think they do it this way to keep automated paradigms (Unity, Unreal) from getting lost when importing materials. Really a design choice on their end, with that functional purpose behind it.