We need some sort of advanced caching/proxy needs to happen so scenes can look as complex as they need. Indigo Render 4 for example now has a view dependent subdivision which only tessellates what's on the screen. A good Occlusion and or polygonal culling system would help as well (geometry not seen by the camera is not rendered/loaded) Perhaps when geometry is out of scene view invisible placeholders swap out geometry.
I think we need to get into packed textures (merge to packed feature) since every channel of textures are not all needed and the remaining channels that are just get routed to the render system.
Game performance techniques always have to be implemented otherwise it can't look/function as good as it can. iClone also needs this so heavy scenes are made light and can look as complex as needed.
I'd like to be able to Popcornfx to Render with Indigo Renderer - I bought Popcornfx thinking it would just work the same as it does with iClone's particles and now i don't have much use for it.
I fear buying more from you at this point would inhibit some creative aspect, while the features you propose look interesting may in fact break something else or only be half useful then another pitch of half functional tools get marketed -at our expense.
iClone it seems wants to become an AAA animation, character creation and rendering solution but it needs more performance optimizations to make photo realistic environments with more content.
What might be useful is a full procedural texture system (no nodes/graph system) generate noise, patterns etc -not just on the character.
I'd like to see a Road map page for existing plugins features -if/when they will be upgraded. For 3Dxchange I'd like a "make all and remove all sub-props feature and inclusion for importing up to at least 8k textures.
With CC I think it should be included free for pipeline users because it is part of the pipeline and was added as incentive to buy it but would be good for others to make it a stand alone purchase so they wouldn't need to buy the pipeline.
If you can add VR support so we can see 1:1 of the world we create grab and place objects that would be awesome (I know Iray AI has VR support). With VR also should allow the HMD to be used as a camera inside iClone for realistic FAST virtual filming whereby playing with the curve editor can be negated -just add HMD head only tracking to a Camera or model and record the mocap. This should work/cross reference with other objects not just characters -just drag the HMD icon to an object and that object becomes controlled with the HMD. Leap motion hand icon for example could just be dragged onto an object.. or it's fingers to objects or fingers to temporary bones of some creature.
Ready made VR compatible characters would be nice as well -re-targeting should be automatic unless you need to customize. These VR ready characters should be exportable to Unity or other.
In VR I'd also like to be able to animate a character or an object - just grab the arm or object and re-position and work with the time line inside the VR environment.
My iClone hack - inspired by Johnny Lee
Lastly I'd like the whole world space to be attached to the head with mirroring (for Arcade and other facility attractions) and controlled with Camera or Kinect Mocap. I've had to do this with the Faceware plugin because the Kinect plugin wouldn't show in iClone and it works barely-limited motion of course and doesn't have mirroring but the Kinect would work.
The reason: Anyone walking by the screen can see into the screen as if realistically looking into another room/dimension. I saw
Johnny Lee's Wii remote hack and thought this kind of technique could be applied to iClone and I've tested it and it is possible with non-invasive Mocap (camera or kinect) Scenes would have to be light enough to make it work -there is a significant frame rate drop on the room (LUT Showcase) demo in iClone 7.
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