jsuresh (9/21/2016)
Hi Everyone,
I am confused what is the difference between these two,
CC Essential Complete Bundle (Export) and
CC Essential Complete Bundle (iContent) .
I understood the icontent is only useful in iclone and i cannot export that to other any 3rd party software's , my doubt is if i buy cc Essentail Complete Bundle Export version will it include the icontent also or its just for exporting into 3rd party software's ? Can these be imported back to iclone also ? Please let me know.
Suresh Jallipalli
It will be the same EXCEPT the EXPORT version comes with a license and ability to export and use the content in different places like games etc. So yes, the export version can be used exactly the same as the iContent version. The iContent version is usually all most people need unless they want to use any of the content like in making a game or use it in other software. And just so you know, you can buy the iContent version and upgrade to the export version later.
See here for the best information:
8 Years Ago by