I'm working with the Free Bone system and am having issues.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or an issue with the software.
I click on the "Create Free Bone Actor" and select my png image (leg).
First problem is that the actual image is not displayed correctly.
The picture below shows the actual image, the imported image which has a flaw in it in the upper right, and the image from the mask editor.

Second problem:
Next, in Composer mode, I add two (2) bones the the image works as expected.

I then add another bone to the bottom and everything is still as expected.

I then select the new bone (foot) and create a "New Layer", everything still as expected.
Next I replace the new bones image with a new png image.
Moving the same bone as before the first image no longer deforms as expected.

It seems that as soon as I change the image for the new (foot) bone that the (shank) bone disconnects from the image.
Either replacing the image or even using the mask editor causes this, any change to the foot bone image.
I tried using pins but no luck.
Did I do something wrong? Forgot a step?
How can I keep the second done (Shank) connected to the image?
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