rguy (3/19/2017)
Is their a video ram usage indicator any where in IClone6 ? I could compare the usage.
There is not. However, you can use a tool such as GPU-Z (
https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/), which lets you monitor VRAM usage, as well as temperature.
It's unfortunate that GI uses so much VRAM. I use it lot once I discovered the beauty of emissive objects in IC7. But, as Rampa mentions, if there is not enough VRAM, regular RAM will be used.
The problem in my case is that when I turn GI off in preview, my scene is dark...
To circumvent that a bit, there is a new feature in IC7 called the Aux light. It's a project setting and allows you to see better in case the lighting is low or want to use GI but can't during Preview.
One more thing... (it's past my bedtime...
) I've found that if you select Quick Shading for preview, you can still use GI, but you'll use less resources.
And even though I have 8GB of VRAM, I've run into a situation were I went over that. It was a scene with a number of objects with many textures. So in IC7, you have to do much more in optimizing your scene and split it up into just what is visible in a scene.