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Raven doesn't appear in content. What other older items are missing?

Posted By AncientWire 2 Years Ago
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Raven doesn't appear in content. What other older items are missing?

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I bought the Raven (for iC4) long ago and it worked in iC6 and iC7, but when I went to look for it the other day in iC8 it wasn't in Content. 
After poking around a bit, it is in the proper place when I look for it in Windows Explorer (it probably moved with my other content when I switched to iClone 8), it just doesn't show up in Content.
When I copy and paste it into the appropriate place in my Custom folder it shows up and is useable. 
So, why does this happen?  I have at least one other thing that doesn't work in Template but will work in Custom.
Is there a list of these type of things so that I can manually move some stuff and still be able to use it?

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