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How to make one end of a hose, become attached/detached to follow/unfollow a character's mouth?

Posted By Ascensi 2 Years Ago
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How to make one end of a hose, become attached/detached to...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 262, Visits: 1.9K
Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand how to create complex characters with hoses wiggling (does have spring physics) The main issue I'm having is the mouth hose with spring joints active except where it would be attached/follow the mouth/jaw bone and the other side remain connected to the hub and moves with the hub. Currently the Hose is weight painted to several joints for both spring effects and to manually change the position of the bottles/hoses. The side connected to the hub has weight influences to the hub so it stays connected but how can the other side of the hose be attached or follow another joint? Lots of work left to do, here is my WIP .

76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/30d06359-a378-498d-98ab-7ae1.gif

Would the correct way to achieve what I have in mind having the hose tip following the mouth be making the Mouth Hose a separate model with bones and add constraints at each end? one to attach to the hose hub and the other end to the mouth and add spring joints to part of the hose?
Incase you would like to know how to rigg characters more advanced like this, I found a way, no conversion to prop/accessory or use of constraints needed!
I had to parent the hose joints to the face bone (compatible with spring joints but will use that later)  I reversed the bones so that the disconnected part (the mouth end) was actually parented but the other end of the tube is weight painted from the hose hub joint so that if it moves it will also move the hose! :cool:   I now have the ability to animated the mouth end of the hose disconnected from the mouth. The mouth end has no weights painted from any head joint to keep it in place, being connected to the facial bone takes care of all that.
 76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/9e54a203-cabc-450a-bbb3-912b.gif

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76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/906a14b0-c792-4382-99ee-7dfe.jpg
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