I'm brand new to cartoon animator 5. I have a character that I don't want to use sprites for to move the mouth in the "facial animation setup" pop up window. Instead, I want to use "smooth mode". the problem is, If I put the teeth layer, The tongue layer, The upper lip layer (And so on) Within the mouth folder, CA5 treats this all as one image when in smooth mode and never opens the mouth but only stretches the closed lips. alternatively if I take all the mouth components out of the mouth layer , it will display in CA5, but I'm not able to adjust the lattice for the different mouth expressions in the "facial animation setup" pop up window . Perhaps this is a glitch , or perhaps I'm not setting it upright. [br]
I want to use smooth mode where I can smoothly open and close the mouth and talk and show the teeth and tongue of the character. As a result, I need all of the mouth components as different objects within the mouth so that everything animates properly. I cannot figure out how to arrange these different mouth components in the folders in my SVG editor (Affinity Designer), and there are no tutorials that go into these specific details.[br]
My last option is to come here to the forums, so if I cannot receive help here, I don't know what to do. I feel like there isn't enough tutorials online.