Please has anybody used the affinity designer template to rig a custom character with affinity designer2? I have tried severally following the direction and keep getting errors when importing into CTA5. Is there a detailed tutorial for this or can someone share a successful experience? I get the errors below:
1. Error- Cannot find any child on the root.
2. Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : Head
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : Head_Nub
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : Hip
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LArm
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LFoot
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LForearm
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LHand
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LHand_Nub
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LShank
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : LThigh
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : Neck
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RArm
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RFoot
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RForearm
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RHand
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RHand_Nub
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RShank
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : RThigh
Did not match Human Template Bone - Missing Bone : Torso
Grateful for your help