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I am making VR game so I use VR template in unity
Well I tested HDRP template and managed to make it work almost fully. For some reason the character look is more wet than it should be and part of texture is missing on he forehead for somereason and some eyelashes too. Seems Unity can't read properly the wigs 3D mesh that is copy of the skull and eyelashes yeah I don't know what is happenign there.
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I now tested the CC4 kevin default and it works correctly when importin into unity so I have to investigate why my other character doesn't and why the wig and eyelashes show clipped mesh when it should show image alpha instead.
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hello I Just Purchase Character Creator 4. I export my character as fbx into unity in a cc folder, when press the build material button and after it was built, the character material turned pink. I am using unity 2022.2.16f1 and The High Definition Render Pipeline for unity. can you please tell me how to fix? I also inserted a image of the error. Thanks In Advance 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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buckbuck (5/26/2023) Hello I Just Purchase Character Creator 4. I export my character as fbx into unity in a cc folder, when press the build material button and after it was built, the character material turned pink. I am using unity 2022.2.16f1 and The High Definition Render Pipeline for unity. can you please tell me how to fix? I also inserted a image of the error. Thanks In AdvanceMake sure your project is created using an HDRP template if you're using the HDRP version of the tools. That scene you posted there doesn't look HDRP, it looks more like the Build-in/3D pipeline.
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Hi Victor,Thanks for your great work, it is great that you develop and maintain these packages :) I just wanted to let you know a small problem that I found while trying to install the 3D Importer. I found out that when I already have the URP packes installed in my assets and then install the 3D importer, the importer automatically updates to URP, rendering the materials to URP (and thus leading to the annoying pink shader problem). When I opened the character Importer, it would say CC/iC Importer URP 1.4.9 instead of 3D as in the screen shot. Solution: I had to delete the URP pipeline asset, restart editor and reinstall the 3D Importer.76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I am using the Invector template. How i can adjust the shoulder and mouth open for the character I am using CC4 and unity 2022. 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Dear developer, We are currently experiencing a weird shader/material issue in our Unity project. The CC4 avatars' materials work properly in our sub project but after we download the addressable and run them in our core. All these materials became so much brighter to the point where it changes an African American lady to a pale lady. We eliminated many possible factors that might affect this such as post processing, lighting and diffusion profile. The first image is taken in our sub project and the second one is in our core(same character but look completely different). Would you please let us know what else could possibly affect the shaders to cause this error, such us addressable build up, etc.?76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge 76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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One possibility is that the custom Shaders aren't installed in your core project As the shaders are part of the Package system they tend not to be included in any asset collection when exporting to another project.
Or the skin materials have lost their diffuse color settings. Might be worth comparing the skin material settings in the core and the sub projects to make sure they are the same.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Dear developer, we are using iClone characters in a URP game in VR. They look great and the framerate is decent, although we get a somewhat higher framerate with the Standard Pipeline. Do you have any tips on how to further improve fps with URP? We tried deleting some of the maps on the shader (those which had no strong effects on the character's look) but this strangely reduced fps rather than increase it. Happy for any tips/recommendations!