johnwarndt52 (12/25/2022)
How did you lose your eye??? It was a tragic accident...
My brother had made (DIY) a bow and a sharp arrow, attempting to shoot on a "bulls's eye"...
In the moment he shot, I was invisible for him, while he shot, I was running around the corner,
the moment the arrow reached that corner it hit my eye...
So he did NOT targeted me, it just was a tragic accident and I learned to live with it.
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Happened 1975, complete surgery did not work, though they were able to "keep" my eye, almost blind though.
Much later, in 2014, my lens collapsed and the attempt to give me a new lens hoping to get back sight failed as my eye forgot to "see".
A year later that eye got a huge inflammation and I was told to better remove it as the left eye could get damaged too.
As I was nearly blind on that eye, it took no long doubt to do so. Since then I have my glas eye...
It really takes only a few seconds to pull it out or put it back. I do so to clean it every morning.
Though it is not a "ball", it's a "shell", sitting on an implanted ball which is connected to my eye muscles...
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Toystorylab on Vimeo : 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge
Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge