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Mac support being dropped

Posted By arenbailey 3 Years Ago
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Mac support being dropped

Posted 3 Years Ago
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toonmanbill (9/9/2022)
I’ll continue to animate in 3D for now, and use Cartoon Animator for some of the 2D stuff that is still very, very much fun, but if I decide to go with 2D more seriously I’ll probably bite the bullet and switch to MOHO.

Tell me more about Moho compared to Cartoon Animator.

Looks pretty good actually
I used the Old “Anime studio” years ago when I was still exclusively Mac based
in fact I still have my last version installed over on my old 2017 Imac.
I believe MOHO may be the software that replaced Anime studio
I LOVE Reallusion CTA though!!
particularly for talking “hosts” of my video tutorials.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
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Anime Studio used to be called Moho.  It was THE 2d Animation program for many years, available on both Mac and PC.  Then they switched to calling it Anime Studio and it was that way for many years (and versions).

I was a very active tester for it (my NDA long since expired :>).  Indeed, some of the code still in there is mine.  I wrote a program, for example, that does autorig of 2D characters.  It was the program we used for the TV show we sold to Fox Animation.

A few years ago the creator of the program sold it to another company and development nearly came to a stop.  However, I have heard that he either bought it back or became involved again (Mike Clifton is his name - we were once very good friends).  And the program reverted back to it's original name.

I LOVED Anime Studio/nee Moho.  It was my principle animation program for nearly a decade, after 3D Max.  Only when iClone matured (around version 5) did I decide to switch back to 3D (plus Fox and I had a falling out.  Sigh).  I would STRONGLY recommend Moho - it's so far superior to Cartoon Animator it isn't even close (even for the Windows version).  I also have a ton of tutorials for it if you are interested.

Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor
Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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Kelleytoons (9/9/2022)
Anime Studio used to be called Moho.  It was THE 2d Animation program for many years, available on both Mac and PC.  Then they switched to calling it Anime Studio and it was that way for many years (and versions).

I was a very active tester for it (my NDA long since expired :>).  Indeed, some of the code still in there is mine.  I wrote a program, for example, that does autorig of 2D characters.  It was the program we used for the TV show we sold to Fox Animation.

A few years ago the creator of the program sold it to another company and development nearly came to a stop.  However, I have heard that he either bought it back or became involved again (Mike Clifton is his name - we were once very good friends).  And the program reverted back to it's original name.

I LOVED Anime Studio/nee Moho.  It was my principle animation program for nearly a decade, after 3D Max.  Only when iClone matured (around version 5) did I decide to switch back to 3D (plus Fox and I had a falling out.  Sigh).  I would STRONGLY recommend Moho - it's so far superior to Cartoon Animator it isn't even close (even for the Windows version).  I also have a ton of tutorials for it if you are interested.

Thanks for the reply.  I will take a closer look at MOHO since see it is available for the MAC.
I am trying to decide what to do.  I either spend more money and buy a Windows PC in order to be able to stay with Cartoon Animator in the future, or switch to another software moving forward and save some money by not having to buy another computer.

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Moho is a great program.  There is a large community of passionate creators. You can find tons of tutorials both free and paid (Udemy is a good source for paid).  Mike Kelley is a hero and many of his videos are still around.  If you are dedicated you'll find it is worth the time and small investment (compared to toonboom and others).  Plus, long time professional animator Victor Parades (and another whose name escapes me) who has been part of the Anime Studio/Moho universe for years has purchased the software from SmithMicro and is dedicated to keeping the software up to date--always adding new features.

And I suck at it.  But if you are dedicated, you'll look no further.  

Corsair Vengence - 12th gen Intel core i9 - 32GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080Ti  Windows 11
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A few years ago the creator of the program sold it to another company and development nearly came to a stop.  However, I have heard that he either bought it back or became involved again (Mike Clifton is his name - we were once very good friends).  And the program reverted back to it's original name

Thanks for the clarification on the naming Mr Kelly!
The company that let it languish, was non other than the infamous Smith Micro ,as they did much the same to the 3D Character program that preceded/inspired Daz Studio
( Poser )

93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/5855740d-5b38-4eb3-9d87-048d.png
So very glad to see MOHO rescued from the obscurity of neglect and remain a ,vibrant modern 
leader in its Market.
Sadly the same cannot be said for the aforementioned Poser.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY

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toddwaddington (9/9/2022)
Plus, long time professional animator Victor Parades (and another whose name escapes me) who has been part of the Anime Studio/Moho universe for years has purchased the software from SmithMicro and is dedicated to keeping the software up to date--always adding new features. 

Wow, hadn't heard Victor bought it.  Good on him.  

For many years I ran the "unofficial" Moho support site, AnimatorsForum.com.  It's actually still around but the forum software became hard to maintain so it fell into disuse (although I still own the URL - not sure what happens when I type that in :>).  

My heart always has been with 3D - it's what I got my start with - but there's a certain part of me that misses the 2D world a lot.  For those of you who want to create in it you had better at least check out Moho.

Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor
Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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Yes, Victor and another long time (perhaps one of the orig writers of the software? When it was “Moho” before Anime Studio. You know him I’m sure.).

They rwaited to launch until the most serious bugs were worked out.

And yes, Moho is def worth a look. That said, as this is a reallusion forum, Cartoon Animator 5 is preparing to launch. For most folks who want to create ads, social media, novelty videos, CA does everything you need and then some. I really like that if you own iClone you can utilize the motion, animate in 3D without all of the fussing with key frames

But two different animals. Moho allows you to craft from scratch. And it gets exponentially easier the more one uses it.

Corsair Vengence - 12th gen Intel core i9 - 32GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080Ti  Windows 11
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Kelleytoons (9/9/2022)
Anime Studio used to be called Moho.  It was THE 2d Animation program for many years, available on both Mac and PC.  Then they switched to calling it Anime Studio and it was that way for many years (and versions).

I was a very active tester for it (my NDA long since expired :>).  Indeed, some of the code still in there is mine.  I wrote a program, for example, that does autorig of 2D characters.  It was the program we used for the TV show we sold to Fox Animation.

A few years ago the creator of the program sold it to another company and development nearly came to a stop.  However, I have heard that he either bought it back or became involved again (Mike Clifton is his name - we were once very good friends).  And the program reverted back to it's original name.

I LOVED Anime Studio/nee Moho.  It was my principle animation program for nearly a decade, after 3D Max.  Only when iClone matured (around version 5) did I decide to switch back to 3D (plus Fox and I had a falling out.  Sigh).  I would STRONGLY recommend Moho - it's so far superior to Cartoon Animator it isn't even close (even for the Windows version).  I also have a ton of tutorials for it if you are interested.

I took a look at the demo version of MOHO and the Vector Drawing tools are amazing!!!
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As someone above said, there is no finer tool for creation that Moho.  If you are animating existing resources Cartoon Animator has much better tools (particularly when it comes to animation) but for the CREATION of your backgrounds and characters nothing can touch Moho.

It's a bit like iClone versus 3D creation programs.  You couldn't really use iClone to create props or your characters, but for animation it's as easy as it gets.  The problem is that there is no "Character Creator" tool for Cartoon Animator - you either buy someone else's characters or you struggle (and you will) to create them with the awkward tools available there (rigging is a nightmare in CA).  I drew all the characters and backgrounds for our show in Moho and I have absolutely ZERO talent.  But it's easy-peasy.  Conversely, I was never able to even create ONE character in Cartoon Animator.

Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor
Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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Kelleytoons (9/11/2022)
As someone above said, there is no finer tool for creation that Moho.  If you are animating existing resources Cartoon Animator has much better tools (particularly when it comes to animation) but for the CREATION of your backgrounds and characters nothing can touch Moho.

It's a bit like iClone versus 3D creation programs.  You couldn't really use iClone to create props or your characters, but for animation it's as easy as it gets.  The problem is that there is no "Character Creator" tool for Cartoon Animator - you either buy someone else's characters or you struggle (and you will) to create them with the awkward tools available there (rigging is a nightmare in CA).  I drew all the characters and backgrounds for our show in Moho and I have absolutely ZERO talent.  But it's easy-peasy.  Conversely, I was never able to even create ONE character in Cartoon Animator.

It does not help that they have made, having Adobe Photoshop, a requirement for their custom character making process.
( according to the video tutes)

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY


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